If thinking about all these things doesn't work, or makes you dwell even more on the hunger, there are more substantial ways of dealing with the problem.
Try filling up on liquid. Often putting something, anything, in your stomach will quiet the hunger monster long enough to get to the next meal.
Next higher in yield among tactical weapons is diet soft drinks with caffeine. Caffeine is an appetite suppressing chemical which hits the bloodstream quickly and takes effect almost immediately. I'm not suggesting you get addicted to the stuff in order to diet, but odds are you're hardly a stranger to it already. Since none of these beverages have any calories, if you can get through a hunger attack with them, you're home free.
Crossing the strategic threshold ever so slightly brings us to a mug of piping hot bouillon. Two bouillon cubes make eight fluid ounces but contain only 8 calories, almost negligible. Not only is it rich and salty, it's hot, which counteracts the chilliness that often accompanies hunger.
If none of these work, and your diet is really on the line, it's time to push the button and launch the heavy stuff. Consider the following alternatives.
These secret weapon foods should remain secure in the arsenal except
in times of crisis. If you want to include a midnight snack in your
meal plan, fine; allocate a reasonable number of calories to it (not
too many, as you don't want lots of calories in the system while
you're sleeping; see page ), and make a
list of alternatives with about that number of calories. But if you
find a frequent need for an emergency buck-you-up, it's a sign your
calorie balance over the day is uneven or you're trying to lose weight
too quickly (see below). These problems should be addressed by
revising the diet and/or meal plans, not by frequently resorting to
unplanned snacks, however low calorie.
By John Walker