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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

History Rolls Along

Whilst running errands today, what should I espy when returning to my car in the parking garage of Marin Centre in Marin-Epagnier, Switzerland (400 metres below and about 5 km southwest of Fourmilab) but this magnificent vintage Rolls-Royce (click on the image for an enlargement). The owner was nowhere in evidence, so I didn't have the opportunity to inquire from what year it dates, but they sure don't make 'em like that anymore! Note that it's right-hand drive, which has to make driving this museum piece on narrow, twisty Swiss roads a challenge.

If you owned a car like this, would you drive it to the supermarket to do your shopping and leave it in the garage unattended?

In the interest of privacy, I have blanked out the identification information on the number plate (all vehicle registration information is public here). This isn't the only curious thing I've seen in this parking garage.

Posted at 21:05 Permalink