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Monday, February 5, 2007
Big Frigo, Small Car

Today, when I visited the
centre commercial to attend to various errands I espied, whilst walking through the parking garage to the entrance, a couple who had obviously just purchased a new refrigerator and had now realised it was much too big to fit in the back of their hatchback automobile. They seemed to be discussing the matter, looking back and forth between the fridge and the car. I gave it no more thought until I was heading back to my car and discovered that while I was busy inside, somebody had had one of those geometrical
eureka moments and solved the problem, as illustrated to the right.
About half of the fridge is sticking out of the sunroof. It's leaning forward because the portion inside has to slant backward to clear the front seats. Yes, this is a crummy picture—it's from the 640×480 pixel camera of my mobile phone, and there wasn't a vantage point from which I could avoid the hideous backlighting.
It seems there's something about refrigerators that inspires people to
embark upon interesting adventures.
Posted at February 5, 2007 20:34