- Malanga, Steven.
The New New Left.
Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2005.
ISBN 1-56663-644-2.
This thin book (or long essay—the main text is less than 150 pages),
argues that urban politics in the United States has largely been
captured by an iron triangle of “tax eaters”: unionised public
employees, staff of government funded social and health services, and
elected officials drawn largely from the first two groups and put into
office by their power to raise campaign funds, get out the vote, and
direct involvement in campaigns due to raw self-interest: unlike
private sector voters, they are hiring their own bosses.
Unlike traditional big-city progressive politics or the New Left
of the 1960s, which were ideologically driven and motivated by
a genuine desire to improve the lot of the disadvantaged (even if
many of their policy prescriptions proved to be counterproductive
in practice), this “new new left” puts its own well-being squarely
at the top of the agenda: increasing salaries, defeating attempts
to privatise government services, expanding taxpayer-funded programs,
and forcing unionisation and regulation onto the private sector
through schemes such as “living wage” mandates.
The author fears that the steady growth in the political muscle of
public sector unions may be approaching or have reached a tipping
point—where, albeit not yet a numerical majority, through their
organised clout they have the power to elect politicians
beholden to them, however costly to the productive sector
or ultimately disastrous for their cities, whose taxpayers and
businesses may choose to vote with their feet for places where
they are viewed as valuable members of the community rather than
cash cows to be looted.
Chapter 5 dismantles Richard Florida's
crackpot “Creative Class” theory, which
argues that by taxing remaining workers and businesses even more heavily
and spending the proceeds on art, culture, “diversity”, bike
paths, and all the other stuff believed to attract the
golden children of the dot.com bubble, rust belt cities already
devastated by urban socialism can be reborn. Post dot.bomb,
such notions are more worthy of a belly laugh than thorough
refutation, but if it's counter-examples and statistics
you seek, they're here.
The last three chapters focus almost entirely on New York City.
I suppose this isn't surprising, both because New York is often at
the cutting edge in urban trends in the U.S., and also
because the author is a senior fellow at the
Manhattan Institute
and a contributing editor to its
City Journal,
where most of this material originally appeared.

- Godwin, Robert ed.
Friendship 7: The NASA Mission Reports.
Burlington, Ontario, Canada: Apogee Books, 1999.
ISBN 1-896522-60-2.
This installment in the Apogee NASA
Mission Reports series contains original pre- and
post-flight documents describing the first United States manned
orbital flight piloted by
John Glenn
on February 20th, 1962, including a complete transcript of the
air-to-ground communications from launch through splashdown. An
excerpt from the Glenn's postflight debriefing describing his
observations from space including the “fireflies” seen at orbital
sunrise is included, along with a scientific evaluation which, in
retrospect, seems to have gotten everything just about right. Glenn's
own 13 page report on the flight is among the documents, as is backup
pilot Scott Carpenter's report on training for the mission in which he
describes the “extinctospectropolariscope-occulogyrogravoadaptometer”,
abbreviated “V-Meter” in order to fit into the spacecraft
(p. 110). A companion CD-ROM includes a one hour NASA film about
the mission, with flight day footage from the tracking stations around
the globe, and film from the pilot observation camera synchronised
with recorded radio communications. An unintentionally funny
introduction by the editor (complete with two idiot “it's”-es on
consecutive lines) attempts to defend Glenn's 1998 political junket /
P.R. stunt aboard socialist space ship Discovery. “If NASA
is going to conduct gerontology experiments in orbit, who is more
eminently qualified….” Well, a false
predicate does imply anything, but if NASA were at all
genuinely interested in geezers in space independent of political
payback, why didn't they also fly
John Young,
only nine years Glenn's junior, who walked on the Moon, commanded the
first flight of the space shuttle, was Chief of the Astronaut Office
for ten years, and a NASA astronaut continuously from 1962 until his
retirement in 2004, yet never given a flight assignment since 1983?
Glenn's competence and courage needs no embellishment—and the
contrast between the NASA in the days of his first flight and that of
his second could not be more stark.

- Bockris, John O'M.
The New Paradigm.
College Station, TX: D&M Enterprises, 2005.
ISBN 0-9767444-0-6.
As the nineteenth century gave way to the twentieth, the triumphs of
classical science were everywhere apparent: Newton's theories of
mechanics and gravitation, Maxwell's electrodynamics, the atomic
theory of chemistry, Darwin's evolution, Mendel's genetics, and the
prospect of formalising all of mathematics from a small set of logical
axioms. Certainly, there were a few little details awaiting explanation:
the curious failure to detect ether drift in the Michelson-Morley
experiment, the pesky anomalous precession of the perihelion of
the planet Mercury, the seeming contradiction between the
equipartition of energy and the actual spectrum of black
body radiation, the mysterious patterns in the spectral lines
of elements, and the source of the Sun's energy, but these seemed
matters the next generation of scientists could resolve by building
on the firm foundation laid by the last. Few would have imagined that
these curiosities would spark a thirty year revolution in physics
which would show the former foundations of science to be valid only
in the limits of slow velocities, weak fields, and macroscopic
At the start of the twenty-first century, in the very centennial
of Einstein's
annus mirabilis,
it is only natural to enquire how firm are the foundations of
present-day science, and survey the “little details and anomalies”
which might point toward scientific revolutions in this century.
That is the ambitious goal of this book, whose author's long career
in physical chemistry began in 1945 with a Ph.D. from Imperial
College, London, and spanned more than forty years as a full professor
at the University of Pennsylvania, Flinders University in Australia,
and Texas A&M University, where he was Distinguished Professor of
Energy and Environmental Chemistry, with more than 700 papers and
twenty books to his credit. And it is at this goal that Professor
Bockris utterly, unconditionally, and irredeemably fails.
By the evidence of the present volume, the author, notwithstanding his
distinguished credentials and long career, is a complete idiot.
That's not to say you won't learn some things by reading this
book. For example, what do
physicists Hendrik Lorentz, Werner Heisenberg, Hannes Alfvén,
Albert A. Michelson, and Lord Rayleigh;
chemist Amedeo Avogadro,
astronomers Chandra Wickramasinghe, Benik Markarian,
and Martin Rees;
the Weyerhaeuser Company;
the Doberman Pinscher dog breed;
Renaissance artist Michelangelo;
Cepheid variable stars;
Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels;
the Menninger Foundation and the Cavendish Laboratory;
evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins;
religious figures Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
Bishop Berkeley, and Teilhard de Chardin;
parapsychologists York Dobyns and Brenda Dunne;
anomalist William R. Corliss;
Centreville Maryland, Manila in the Philippines,
and the Galapagos Islands
all have in common?
(Hide answer)
Their names are all misspelled in this book. Werner Heisenberg
shares the distinction of having his name spelt three
different ways, providing a fine example of Heisenberg
uncertainty, although Chandra Wickramasinghe takes the prize with
three different incorrect spellings within five pages:
“Wickrisingam” (p. 146), “Wackrisingham” (p. 147), and
“Wackrasingham” (p. 150). Even Bockris could not wackily
rise to the challenge of misspelling the last names of
statistician I. J. Good or physicist T. D. Lee—so he got
their initials wrong! Evidently, the author's memory for names is
phonetic, not visual, and none too accurate; when a citation is
required, he just hits whatever keys resemble his recollection of
the name, and never bothers to get up and check the correct
attribution on his bookshelf.
The “Shaking Pillars of the Paradigm” about which the author expresses
sentiments ranging from doubt to disdain in chapter 3 include
mathematics (where he considers irrational roots, non-commutative
multiplication of quaternions, and the theory of limits among flaws
indicative of the “break down” of mathematical foundations [p. 71]),
Darwinian evolution, special relativity, what he refers to as “The
So-Called General Theory of Relativity” with only the vaguest notion
of its content—yet is certain is dead wrong, quantum theory (see
p. 120 for a totally bungled explanation of Schrodinger's cat in which
he seems to think the result depends upon a decision
made by the cat), the big bang (which he deems “preposterus” on
p. 138) and the Doppler interpretation of redshifts, and naturalistic
theories of the origin of life. Chapter 4 begins with the claim that “There
is no physical model which can tell us why [electrostatic] attraction
and repulsion occur” (p. 163).
And what are those stubborn facts in which the author does
believe, or at least argues merit the attention of science, pointing
the way to a new foundation for science in this century? Well, that
would be: UFOs and alien landings; Kirlian photography; homeopathy and
Jacques Benveniste's “imprinting of water”; crop circles; Qi Gong
masters remotely changing the half-life of radioactive substances; the
Maharishi Effect and “Vedic Physics”; “cold fusion” and the
transmutation of base metals into gold (on both of which the author
published while at Texas A&M); telepathy, clairvoyance, and
precognition; apparitions, poltergeists, haunting, demonic possession,
channelling, and appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary; out of body
and near-death experiences; survival after death, communication
through mediums including physical manifestations, and reincarnation;
and psychokinesis, faith and “anomalous” healing (including the
“psychic surgeons” of the Philippines), and astrology. The only
apparent criterion for the author's endorsement of a phenomenon appears
to be its rejection by mainstream science.
Now, many works of crank science can be quite funny, and entirely
worth reading for their amusement value. Sadly, this book is so
poorly written it cannot be enjoyed even on that level. In the
introduction to this reading list I mention that I don't include books
which I didn't finish, but that since I've been keeping the list I've
never abandoned a book partway through. Well, my record remains
intact, but this one sorely tempted me. The style, if you can call it
that, is such that one finds it difficult to believe English is the
author's mother tongue, no less that his doctorate is from a British
university at a time when language skills were valued. The prose is
often almost physically painful to read. Here is an example, from
footnote 37 on page 117—but you can find similar examples on
almost any page; I've chosen this one because it is, in addition,
almost completely irrelevant to the text it annotates.
Here, it is relevant to describe a corridor meeting with a mature
colleague - keen on Quantum Mechanical calculations, - who had not
the friends to give him good grades in his grant applications and
thus could not employ students to work with him. I commiserated on
his situation, - a professor in a science department without grant
money. How can you publish I blurted out, rather tactlessly. “Ah,
but I have Lili” he said (I've changed his wife's name). I knew
Lili, a pleasant European woman interested in obscure religions. She
had a high school education but no university training. “But” … I
began to expostulate. “It's ok, ok”, said my colleague. “Well, we buy
the programs to calculate bond strengths, put it in the computer and I
tell Lili the quantities and she writes down the answer the computer
gives. Then, we write a paper.” The program referred to is one which
solves the Schrödinger equation and provides energy values, e.g., for
bond strength in chemical compounds.
Now sit back, close your eyes, and imagine five hundred pages of this; in
spelling, grammar, accuracy, logic, and command of the subject matter it reads like
a textbook-length Slashdot post. Several recurrent characteristics are
manifest in this excerpt. The author repeatedly, though not consistently,
capitalises Important Words within Sentences; he uses hyphens where em-dashes
are intended, and seems to have invented his own punctuation sign: a comma
followed by a hyphen, which is used interchangeably with commas and
em-dashes. The punctuation gives the impression that somebody glanced at
the manuscript and told the author, “There aren't enough commas in it”, whereupon
he went through and added three or four thousand in completely random locations,
however inane. There is an inordinate fondness for “e.g.”, “i.e.”, and “cf.”,
and they are used in ways which make one suspect the author isn't completely
clear on their meaning or the distinctions among them. And regarding the
footnote quoted above, did I mention that the author's wife is named
“Lily”, and hails from Austria?
Further evidence of the attention to detail and respect for the reader can
be found in chapter 3 where most of the source citations in the last thirty
pages are incorrect, and the blank cross-references scattered throughout
the text. Not only is it obvious the book has not been fact checked, nor
even proofread; it has never even been spelling checked—common
words are misspelled all over. Bockris never manages the Slashdot hallmark
of misspelling “the”, but on page 475 he misspells “to” as “ot”. Throughout
you get the sense that what you're reading is not so much a considered scientific
exposition and argument, but rather the raw unedited output of a keystroke
capturing program running on the author's computer.
Some readers may take me to task for being too harsh in these remarks,
noting that the book was self-published by the author at age 82. (How
do I know it was self-published? Because my copy came with the order
from Amazon to the publisher to ship it to their warehouse folded
inside, and the publisher's address in this document is directly
linked to the author.) Well, call me unkind, but permit me to observe
that readers don't get a quality discount based on the author's age
from the price of US$34.95, which is on the very high end for a five
hundred page paperback, nor is there a disclaimer on the front or back
cover that the author might not be firing on all cylinders. Certainly,
an eminent retired professor ought to be able to call on former
colleagues and/or students to review a manuscript which is certain to
become an important part of his intellectual legacy, especially as it
attempts to expound a new paradigm for science. Even the most cursory
editing to remove needless and tedious repetition could knock 100
pages off this book (and eliminating the misinformation and nonsense
could probably slim it down to about ten). The vast majority of
citations are to secondary sources, many popular science or new age
Apart from these drawbacks, Bockris, like many cranks, seems compelled
to personally attack Einstein, claiming his work was derivative,
hinting at plagiarism, arguing that its significance is less than its
reputation implies, and relating an unsourced story claiming Einstein
was a poor husband and father (and even if he were, what does that
have to do with the correctness and importance of his scientific
contributions?). In chapter 2, he rants upon environmental and
economic issues, calls for a universal dole (p. 34) for those who
do not work (while on p. 436 he decries the effects of just
such a dole on Australian youth), calls (p. 57) for censorship of
music, compulsory population limitation, and government mandated
instruction in philosophy and religion along with promotion of
religious practice. Unlike many radical environmentalists of the
fascist persuasion, he candidly observes (p. 58) that some of
these measures “could not achieved under the present conditions of
democracy”. So, while repeatedly inveighing against the corruption of
government-funded science, he advocates what amounts to totalitarian
government—by scientists.

- Krakauer, Jon.
Under the Banner of Heaven.
New York: Anchor Books, [2003] 2004.
ISBN 1-4000-3280-6.
This book uses the true-crime narrative of a brutal 1984 double murder
committed by two Mormon fundamentalist brothers as the point
of departure to explore the origin and sometimes violent early history
of the Mormon faith, the evolution of Mormonism into a major
mainstream religion, and the culture of present-day fundamentalist
schismatic sects which continue to practice polygamy within a strictly
hierarchical male-dominated society, and believe in personal
revelation from God. (It should be noted that these sects, although
referring to themselves as Mormon, have nothing whatsoever to do with
the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, which excommunicates leaders of such sects
and their followers, and has officially renounced the practice of
polygamy since the Woodruff Manifesto of 1890. The “Mormon
fundamentalist” sects believe themselves to be the true exemplars of
the religion founded by Joseph Smith and reject the legitimacy of the
mainstream church.)
Mormonism is almost unique among present-day large (more than 11
million members, about half in the United States) religions in having
been established recently (1830) in a modern, broadly literate
society, so its history is, for better or for worse, among the best
historically documented of all religions. This can, of course, pose
problems to any religion which claims absolute truth for its revealed
messages, as the history of factionalism and schisms in Mormonism
vividly demonstrates. The historical parallels between Islam and
Mormonism are discussed briefly, and are well worth pondering:
both were founded by new revelations building upon
the Bible, both incorporated male domination and plural marriage
at the outset, both were persecuted by the existing political
and religious establishment, fled to a new haven in the desert, and
developed in an environment of existential threats and violent
responses. One shouldn't get carried away with such analogies—in
particular Mormons never indulged in territorial conquest nor
conversion at swordpoint. Further, the Mormon doctrine of
continued revelation allows the religion to adapt as society
evolves: discarding polygamy and, more recently, admitting black men
to the priesthood (which, in the Mormon church, is comprised of
virtually all adult male members).
Obviously, intertwining the story of the premeditated murder of a
young mother and her infant committed by people who believed they
were carrying out a divine revelation, with the history of a religion
whose present-day believers often perceive themselves as moral
exemplars in a decadent secular society is bound to be incendiary,
and the reaction of the official Mormon church to the publication
of the book was predictably negative. This paperback edition includes
an appendix which reprints a review of a pre-publication draft of the
original hardcover edition by senior church official Richard E.
Turley, Jr., along with the author's response which acknowledges some
factual errors noted by Turley (and corrected in this edition) while
disputing his claim that the book “presents a decidedly one-sided and
negative view of Mormon history” (p. 346). While the book is
enlightening on each of the topics it treats, it does seem to me that
it may try to do too much in too few pages. The history of the Mormon
church, exploration of the present-day fundamentalist polygamous
colonies in the western U.S., Canada, and Mexico, and the story of how
the Lafferty brothers went from zealotry to murder and their
apprehension and trials are all topics deserving of book-length
treatment; combining them in a single volume invites claims that the
violent acts of a few aberrant (and arguably insane) individuals are
being used to slander a church of which they were not even members at
the time of their crime.
All of the Mormon scriptures cited in the book are
available on-line.
Thanks to the reader who recommended
this book; I'd never have otherwise discovered it.

- Lileks, James.
Mommy Knows Worst.
New York: Three Rivers Press, 2005.
ISBN 1-4000-8228-5.
Why did we baby boomers end up so doggone weird? Maybe it's thanks
to all the “scientific” advice our parents received from “experts” who
seemed convinced that despite millennia of ever-growing human
population, new parents didn't have the slightest clue what do with
babies and small children. James Lileks, who is emerging as one of
the most talented and prolific humorists of this young century,
collects some of the very best/worst of such advice in this volume,
along with his side-splitting comments, as in the earlier volumes on
interior decoration. Flip the pages and
learn, as our parents did, why babies should be turned regularly as
they broil in the Sun (pp. 36–42), why doping little
snookums with opiates to make the bloody squaller shut up is a bad
idea (pp. 44–48), why everything should be boiled, except for
those which should be double boiled (pp. 26, 58–59,
65–68), plus the perfect solution for baby's ears that stick out like
air scoops (pp. 32–33). This collection is laugh-out-loud
funny from cover to cover; if you're looking for more in this
vein, be sure to visit
The Institute of Official Cheer
and other features on the author's
Web site
which now includes a weekly audio broadcast.

- Truss, Lynne.
Talk to the Hand.
London: Profile Books, 2005.
ISBN 1-86197-933-9.
Following the runaway success of
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
(January 2004),
one might have expected the author to follow up with another
book on grammar, but instead in this outing she opted to confront
the “utter bloody rudeness of everyday life”. Not long ago
I might have considered these topics unrelated, but after
the publication in July 2005 of
and the
subsequent discussion
it engendered, I've come to
realise that slapdash spelling and grammar are, as
explained on page 23 here, simply one aspect of the
rudeness which affronts us from all sides. As
Bernard Pivot
observed, “[spelling] remains a
one owes to our language, and a politeness one owes to those to
whom one writes.”
In this book Truss parses rudeness into six categories, and
explores how modern technology and society have nearly erased the
distinctions between private and public spaces, encouraging or
at least reducing the opprobrium of violating what were
once universally shared social norms. (Imagine, for example,
how shocking it would have seemed in 1965 to
overhear the kind of intensely personal or confidential
business conversation between two fellow passengers on
a train which it is now entirely routine to hear
one side of as somebody obliviously chatters into their
mobile phone.)
Chapter 2, “Why am I the One Doing This?”, is 23 pages
of pure wisdom for designers of business systems, customer
relations managers, and designers of user interfaces for
automated systems; it perfectly expresses the rage which
justifiably overcomes people who feel themselves victimised for
the convenience and/or profit of the counterparty in a
transaction which is supposedly of mutual benefit. This is a
trend which, in my opinion (particularly in computer user
interface design), has been going in the wrong direction since I
began to rant about it
almost twenty years ago.
A U.S edition is also available.