- Fallaci, Oriana. La Force de la Raison.
Monaco: Éditions du Rocher, 2004. ISBN 2-268-05264-8.
If, fifty years from now, there still are historians permitted to
chronicle the civilisation of Western Europe (which, if the
trends described in this book persist, may not
be the way to bet), Fallaci may be seen as a figure
like Churchill in the 1930s, willing to speak the truth
about a clear and present danger, notwithstanding the
derision and abuse doing so engenders from those who prefer to
live the easy life, avoid difficult decisions, and hope
things will just get better. In this, and her earlier
La rage et l'orgueil
(June 2002),
Fallaci warns, in stark and uncompromising terms verging occasionally
on a rant, of the increasing Islamicisation of Western Europe, and
decries the politicians, church figures, and media whose inaction or active
efforts aid and abet it. She argues that what is at risk is nothing
less than European civilisation itself, which Islamic figures openly
predict among themselves eventually being transformed through the
inexorable power of demographics and immigration into an Islamic
Republic of “Eurabia”. The analysis of the “natural alliance”
between the extreme political left and radical Islam is brilliant,
and brings to mind
L'Islam révolutionnaire
(December 2003)
by terrorist “Carlos the Jackal” (Ilich Ramírez Sánchez).
There is a shameful little piece of paper tipped into the pages
of the book by the publisher, who felt no need for a
disclaimer when earlier publishing the screed by mass murderer
“Carlos”. In language worthy of Pierre Laval, they defend
its publication in the interest of presenting a
«différent» viewpoint, and ask readers
to approach it “critically, in light of the present-day
international context” (my translation).
December 2004