- Wells, H. G. Mind at the End of Its Tether
and The Happy Turning. New York: Didier,
1946. LCCN 47-002117.
- This thin volume, published in the year of the author's
death, contains Wells' final essay, Mind at the End of
Its Tether, along with The Happy Turning,
his dreamland escape from grim, wartime England. If you've a
low tolerance for blasphemy, you'd best give the latter a pass.
The unrelenting pessimism of the former limited its appeal; press
runs were small and it has rarely been reprinted. The link above
will find all editions containing the main work, Mind at the
End of Its Tether. Bear in mind when pricing used copies that
both essays together are less than 90 pages, with Mind
alone a mere 34.
July 2003