Books by Shirer, William L.
- Shirer, William L.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
New York: Touchstone Books, [1959, 1960] 1990.
ISBN 978-0-671-72868-7.
According to an apocryphal story, a struggling author asks his agent
why his books aren't selling better, despite getting good reviews.
The agent replies, “Look, the only books guaranteed to sell
well are books about golf, books about cats, and books about Nazis.”
Some authors have taken this too much to heart.
When this massive cinder block of a book (1250 pages in the trade
paperback edition) was published in 1960, its publisher did not
believe a book about Nazis (or at least such a long one) would find
a wide audience, and ordered an initial print run of just 12,500 copies.
Well, it immediately went on to sell more than a million copies in
hardback, and then another million in paperback (it was, at the time,
the thickest paperback ever published). It has remained in print
continuously for more than half a century, has been translated into
a number of languages, and at this writing is in the top ten thousand
books by sales rank on
The author did not just do extensive research on Nazi Germany,
he lived there from 1934 through 1940, working as a
foreign correspondent based in Berlin and Vienna. He
interviewed many of the principals of the Nazi regime and attended
Nazi rallies and Hitler's Reichstag speeches. He was the only
non-Nazi reporter present at the signing of the armistice between
France and Germany in June 1940, and broke the news on CBS radio
six hours before it was announced in Germany. Living in Germany,
he was able to observe the relationship between ordinary Germans
and the regime, but with access to news from the outside which was
denied to the general populace by the rigid Nazi control of information.
He left Germany in December 1940 when increasingly rigid censorship
made it almost impossible to get accurate reporting out of Germany,
and he feared the Gestapo were preparing an espionage case
against him.
Shirer remarks in the foreword to the book that never before, and
possibly never again, will historians have access to the kind of
detailed information on the day-to-day decision making and
intrigues of a totalitarian state that we have for Nazi Germany.
Germans are, of course, famously meticulous record-keepers, and the
rapid collapse and complete capitulation of the regime meant that
those voluminous archives fell into the hands of the Allies almost
intact. That, and the survival of diaries by a number of key
figures in the senior leadership of Germany and Italy, provides a
window into what those regimes were thinking as they drew plans
which would lead to calamity for Europe and their ultimate downfall.
The book is extensively footnoted with citations of primary sources,
and footnotes expand upon items in the main text.
This book is precisely what its subtitle, “A History of Nazi
Germany”, identifies it to be. It is not, and does not
purport to be, an analysis of the philosophical origins of
Nazism, investigation of Hitler's personality, or a history of
Germany's participation in World War II. The war years occupy
about half of the book, but the focus is not on the actual conduct
of the war but rather the decisions which ultimately determined
its outcome, and the way (often bizarre) those decisions were made.
I first read this book in 1970. Rereading it four decades later, I
got a great deal more out of it than I did the first time, largely
because in the intervening years I'd read many other books about
the period which cover aspects of the period which Shirer's pure
Germany-focused reportage does not explore in detail.
The book has stood up well to the passage of time. The only striking
lacuna is that when the book was written the fact that Britain had
broken the German naval Enigma cryptosystem, and was thus able to read
traffic between the German admiralty and the U-boats, had not yet
been declassified by the British. Shirer's coverage of the Battle of
the Atlantic (which is cursory), thus attributes the success in
countering the U-boat threat to radar, antisubmarine air patrols, and
convoys, which were certainly important, but far from the whole story.
Shirer is clearly a man of the Left (he manages to work in a
snarky comment about the Coolidge administration in a book about
Nazi Germany), although no fan of Stalin, who he rightly identifies
as a monster. But I find that the author tangles himself up
intellectually in trying to identify Hitler and Mussolini as
“right wing”. Again and again he describes the
leftist intellectual and political background of key figures
in the Nazi and Fascist movements, and then tries to persuade us
they somehow became “right wing” because they changed
the colour of their shirts, even though the official platform and
policies of the Nazi and Fascist regimes differed only in the
details from those of Stalin, and even Stalin believed, by his
own testimony, that he could work with Nazi Germany to the mutual
benefit of both countries. It's worth revisiting
Liberal Fascism (January 2008)
for a deeper look at how collectivism, whatever the colour of the
shirts or the emblem on the flags, stems from the same intellectual
roots and proceeds to the same disastrous end point.
But these are quibbles about a monument of twentieth century
reportage which has the authenticity of having been written by
an eyewitness to many of the events described therein, the
scholarship of extensive citations and quotations of original
sources, and accessibility to the general reader. It is a classic
which has withstood the test of time, and if I'm still around
forty years hence, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading it a third time.
October 2010