- Sowell, Thomas.
Dismantling America.
New York: Basic Books, 2010.
ISBN 978-0-465-02251-9.
Thomas Sowell
has been, over his career, an optimist about individual liberty
and economic freedom in the United States and around the
world. Having been born in the segregated South, raised by
a single mother in Harlem in the 1940s, he said that the progress
he had observed in his own lifetime, rising from a high school
dropout to the top of his profession, convinced him that America
ultimately gets it right, and that opportunity for those who wish
to advance through their own merit and hard work is perennial.
In recent years, however, particularly since the rise and election
of Barack Obama, his outlook has darkened considerably, almost
approaching that of
John Derbyshire. Do you think I exaggerate? Consider
this passage from the preface:
No one issue and no one administration in Washington has
been enough to create a perfect storm for a great nation that
has weathered many storms in its more than two centuries of
existence. But the Roman Empire lasted many times longer,
and weathered many storms in its turbulent times—and
yet it ultimately collapsed completely.
It has been estimated that a thousand years passed before
the standard of living in Europe rose again to the level it
had achieved in Roman times. The collapse of civilization is
not just the replacement of rulers or institutions with new
rulers and new institutions. It is the destruction of a whole
way of life and the painful, and sometimes pathetic, attempts
to begin rebuilding amid the ruins.
Is that where America is headed? I believe it is. Our only
saving grace is that we are not there yet—and that nothing
is inevitable until it happens.
Strong stuff! The present volume is a collection of the author's
syndicated columns dating from before the U.S. election of 2008
into the first two years of the Obama administration. In them
he traces how the degeneration and systematic dismantling of the
underpinnings of American society which began in the 1960s
culminated in the election of Obama, opening the doors to
power to radicals hostile to what the U.S. has stood for since its
founding and bent on its “fundamental transformation”
into something very different. Unless checked by the elections
of 2010 and 2012, Sowell fears the U.S. will pass a “point
of no return” where a majority of the electorate will be dependent
upon government largesse funded by a minority who pay taxes.
I agree: I deemed it the
point almost two years ago.
A common theme in Sowell's writings of the last two decades has
been how
public intellectuals
and leftists (but I repeat myself) attach an almost talismanic
power to words and assume that good intentions, expressed in
phrases that make those speaking them feel good about themselves,
must automatically result in the intended outcomes. Hence the
belief that a “stimulus bill” will stimulate the
economy, a “jobs bill” will create jobs, that “gun
control” will control the use of firearms by criminals,
or that a rise in the minimum wage will increase the income of
entry-level workers rather than price them out of the market
and send their jobs to other countries. Many of the essays here
illustrate how “progressives” believe, with the
conviction of cargo cultists, that their policies will turn the
U.S. from a social Darwinist cowboy capitalist society to a nurturing
nanny state like Sweden or the Netherlands. Now, notwithstanding
that the prospects of those two countries and many
other European welfare states due to
demographic collapse and
Islamisation are dire indeed, the present “transformation”
in the U.S. is more likely, in my opinion, to render it more like
Perón's Argentina than France or Germany.
Another part of the “perfect storm” envisioned by Sowell
is the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran, the imperative that
will create for other states in the region to go nuclear, and the
consequent possibility that terrorist groups will gain access to
these weapons. He observes that Japan in 1945 was a much tougher
nation than the U.S. today, yet only two nuclear bombs caused
them to capitulate in a matter of days. How many cities would the
U.S. have to lose? My guess is at least two but no more than five.
People talk about there being no prospect of a battleship
Missouri surrender in the War on Terror (or whatever
they're calling it this week), but the prospect of a U.S. surrender
on the carrier Khomeini in the Potomac is not as far fetched
as you might think.
Sowell dashes off epigrams like others write grocery lists. Here
are a few I noted:
- One of the painful consequences of studying history is
that it makes you realize how long people have been
doing the same foolish things with the same disastrous
- There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can
be done by dull or stupid people. For creating a truly
monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs.
- Do not expect sound judgments in a society where being
“non-judgmental” is an exalted value. As
someone has said, if you don't stand for something, you
will fall for anything.
- Progress in general seems to hold little interest for
people who call themselves “progressives”.
What arouses them are denunciations of social failures
and accusations of wrong-doing.
One wonders what they would do in heaven.
- In a high-tech age that has seen the creation of artificial
intelligence by computers, we are also seeing the creation
of artificial stupidity by people who call themselves
- Most people on the left are not opposed to freedom. They
are just in favor of all sorts of things that are incompatible
with freedom.
- Will those who are dismantling this society from within
or those who seek to destroy us from without be the first
to achieve their goal? It is too close to call.
As a collection of columns, you can read this book in any order
you like (there are a few “arcs” of columns, but most are
standalone), and pick it up and put it down whenever you like
without missing anything. There is some duplication among the
columns, but they never become tedious. Being newspaper columns,
there are no source citations or notes, and there is no index.
What are present in abundance are Sowell's acute observations
of the contemporary scene, historical perspective, rigorous logic,
economic common sense, and crystal clear exposition. I had read
probably 80% of these columns when they originally appeared,
but gleaned many new insights revisiting them in this collection.
The author discusses the book, topics raised in it, and
the present scene in an
video interview, for which a
exists. A shorter
interview with the author is also available.

- Flynn, Vince.
Pursuit of Honor.
New York: Pocket Books, 2009.
ISBN 978-1-4165-9517-5.
This is the tenth novel in the
Mitch Rapp
(warning—the article at this link contains minor spoilers)
saga, and the conclusion of the story which began in the
previous volume,
Extreme Measures (July 2010).
In that book, a group of terrorists staged an attack in
Washington D.C., with the ringleaders managing to disappear
in the aftermath. In the present novel, it's time for payback,
and Mitch Rapp and his team goes on the trail not only of the
terrorists but also their enablers within the U.S. government.
The author says that you should be able to pick up and enjoy any of
his novels without any previous context,
but in my estimation you'll miss a great deal if you
begin here without having read Extreme Measures.
While an attempt is made (rather clumsily, it seemed to me)
to brief the reader in on the events of the previous novel,
those who start here will miss much of the character development
of the terrorists Karim and Hakim, and the tension between
Mitch Rapp and Mike Nash, whose curious parallels underlie
the plot.
This is more a story of character development and conflict
between personalities and visions than action, although
it's far from devoid of the latter. There is some edgy political
content in which I believe the author shows his contempt for
certain factions and figures on the Washington scene, including
“Senator ma'am”. The conclusion is satisfying although
deliberately ambiguous in some regards. I appear to have been wrong
in my review of Extreme Measures about
where the author was taking Mike Nash, but then you never know.
This book may, in terms of the timeline, be the end of the
Mitch Rapp series. Vince Flynn's forthcoming novel,
American Assassin, is a
“prequel”, chronicling Rapp's recruitment into
the CIA, training, and deployment on his first missions.
Still, it's difficult in the extreme to cork a loose cannon, so
I suspect in the coming years we'll see further exploits
by Mitch Rapp on the contemporary scene.

- Mahoney, Bob.
Damned to Heaven.
Austin, TX: 1st World Publishing, 2003.
ISBN 978-0-9718562-8-8.
This may be the geekiest space thriller ever written. The
author has worked as a spaceflight instructor at NASA's
Johnson Space Center in Houston for more than a decade,
training astronauts and flight controllers in the details
of orbital operations. He was Lead Instructor for the first
Shuttle-Mir mission. He knows his stuff,
and this book, which bristles with as many acronyms and NASA
jargon as a Shuttle flight plan, gets the details right and only
takes liberty with the facts where necessary to advance the
plot. Indeed, it seems the author is on an “expanded
mission” of his NASA career as an instructor to ensure
that not only those he's paid to teach, but all readers of
the novel know their stuff as well—he even
distinguishes acronyms pronounced letter-by-letter (such as
E.V.A.) and those spoken as words (like OMS), and provides
pronunciation guides for the latter.
For a first time novelist, the author writes quite well, and
there are only a few typographical and factual errors. Since the
dialogue is largely air to ground transmissions or proceedings of
NASA mission management meetings, it comes across as stilted, but
is entirely authentic—that's how they talk. Character
description is rudimentary, and character development as the story
progresses almost nonexistent, but then most of the characters
are career civil servants who have made it to the higher echelons
of an intensely politically correct and meritocratic bureaucracy
where mavericks or those even remotely interesting are ground down
or else cut off and jettisoned. Again, not the usual
dramatis personæ of a thriller,
but pretty accurate.
So what about the story? A space shuttle bound for the International
Space Station suffers damage to its thermal protection system which
makes it impossible to reenter safely, and the crew takes refuge
on the still incomplete Station, stretching its life support resources
to the limit. A series of mishaps, which may seem implausible all
taken together, but every one of which has actually occurred in
U.S. and Soviet space operations over the last two decades, eliminates
all of the rescue alternatives but one last, desperate Hail Mary
option, which a flight director embraces, not out of boldness, but
because there is no other way to save the crew. Trying to thwart the
rescue is a malevolent force high in the NASA management hierarchy,
bent on destroying the existing human spaceflight program in order that
a better replacement may be born. (The latter might have seemed preposterous
when the novel was published in 2003, but looking just at the results of
NASA senior management decisions in the ensuing years, it's hard to
distinguish the outcomes from those of having deliberate wreckers at the
The author had just about finished the novel when the Columbia
accident occurred in February 2003. Had Columbia been on a
mission to the Space Station, and had the damage to its thermal
protection system been detected (which is probable, as it would have
been visible as the shuttle approached the station), then the
scenario here, or at least the first part, would have likely occurred.
The author made a few changes to the novel post-Columbia;
they are detailed in notes at the end.
As a thriller, this worked for me—I read the whole thing in
three days and enjoyed the author's painting his characters into
corner after corner and then letting them struggle to avert disaster
due to the laws of nature, ambitious bureaucratic adversaries, and
cluelessness and incompetence, in ascending order of peril to mission
success and crew survival. I suspect many readers will consider
this a bit much; recall that I used the word “geekiest”
in the first sentence of these remarks. But unlike
another thriller by a NASA engineer, I was never
once tempted to hurl this one into the flame trench immediately before
If the events in this book had actually happened, and an official
NASA historian had written an account of them some years later,
it would probably read much like this book. That is quite an
achievement, and the author has accomplished that rare feat
of crafting a page-turner (at least for readers who consider
“geeky” a compliment) which also gets the details
right and crafts scenarios which are both surprising and plausible.
My quibbles with the plot are not with the technical details but
rather scepticism that the NASA of today could act as quickly as
in the novel, even when faced with an existential threat to its
human spaceflight program.

Wolfe, Tom.
I Am Charlotte Simmons.
(Audiobook, Unabridged).
New York: Macmillan Audio, 2004.
ISBN 978-0-312-42444-2.
Sowell has written, “Each new generation born is in
effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who
must be civilized before it is too late”. Tom Wolfe's extensively
researched and pitch-perfect account of undergraduate life at an
élite U.S. college in the first decade of the twenty-first century
is a testament to what happens when the barbarians sneak into the
gates of the cloistered cities of academe, gain tenure, and then
turn the next generation of “little barbarians” loose
into a state of nature, to do what their hormones and whims tell
them to.
Our viewpoint into this alien world (which the children and grandchildren
of those likely to be reading this chronicle inhabit, if they're lucky
[?] enough to go to one of those élite institutions which
groom them for entry into the New [or, as it is coming to be called,
Ruling] Class at the cost of between a tenth and a quarter of a million
dollars, often front-end loaded as debt onto the lucky students just
emerging into those years otherwise best spent in accumulating capital
to buy a house, start a family, and make the key
year investments
in retirement and inheritance for their progeny) is Charlotte Simmons of
Sparta, North Carolina, a Presidential Scholar from the hill country who,
by sheer academic excellence, has won a full scholarship to Dupont
University, known not only for its academic prestige, but also its
formidable basketball team.
Before arriving at Dupont, Charlotte knew precisely who she was,
what she wanted, and where she was going. Within days after arriving,
she found herself in a bizarre mirror universe where everything she
valued (and which the university purported to embody) was mocked by
the behaviour of the students, professors, and administrators.
Her discoveries are our discoveries of this alien culture which is
producing those who will decide our fate in our old age. Worry!
Nobody remotely competes with Tom Wolfe when it
comes to imbibing an alien culture, mastering its jargon and
patois, and fleshing out the characters who inhabit it.
Wolfe's talents are in full ascendance here, and this is a masterpiece
of contemporary pedagogic anthropathology. We are doomed!
The audio programme is distributed in four files, running
31 hours and 16 minutes and includes a brief interview
with the author at the end.
An Audio CD edition is available,
as is a paperback print edition.

- Shirer, William L.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
New York: Touchstone Books, [1959, 1960] 1990.
ISBN 978-0-671-72868-7.
According to an apocryphal story, a struggling author asks his agent
why his books aren't selling better, despite getting good reviews.
The agent replies, “Look, the only books guaranteed to sell
well are books about golf, books about cats, and books about Nazis.”
Some authors have taken this too much to heart.
When this massive cinder block of a book (1250 pages in the trade
paperback edition) was published in 1960, its publisher did not
believe a book about Nazis (or at least such a long one) would find
a wide audience, and ordered an initial print run of just 12,500 copies.
Well, it immediately went on to sell more than a million copies in
hardback, and then another million in paperback (it was, at the time,
the thickest paperback ever published). It has remained in print
continuously for more than half a century, has been translated into
a number of languages, and at this writing is in the top ten thousand
books by sales rank on Amazon.com.
The author did not just do extensive research on Nazi Germany,
he lived there from 1934 through 1940, working as a
foreign correspondent based in Berlin and Vienna. He
interviewed many of the principals of the Nazi regime and attended
Nazi rallies and Hitler's Reichstag speeches. He was the only
non-Nazi reporter present at the signing of the armistice between
France and Germany in June 1940, and broke the news on CBS radio
six hours before it was announced in Germany. Living in Germany,
he was able to observe the relationship between ordinary Germans
and the regime, but with access to news from the outside which was
denied to the general populace by the rigid Nazi control of information.
He left Germany in December 1940 when increasingly rigid censorship
made it almost impossible to get accurate reporting out of Germany,
and he feared the Gestapo were preparing an espionage case
against him.
Shirer remarks in the foreword to the book that never before, and
possibly never again, will historians have access to the kind of
detailed information on the day-to-day decision making and
intrigues of a totalitarian state that we have for Nazi Germany.
Germans are, of course, famously meticulous record-keepers, and the
rapid collapse and complete capitulation of the regime meant that
those voluminous archives fell into the hands of the Allies almost
intact. That, and the survival of diaries by a number of key
figures in the senior leadership of Germany and Italy, provides a
window into what those regimes were thinking as they drew plans
which would lead to calamity for Europe and their ultimate downfall.
The book is extensively footnoted with citations of primary sources,
and footnotes expand upon items in the main text.
This book is precisely what its subtitle, “A History of Nazi
Germany”, identifies it to be. It is not, and does not
purport to be, an analysis of the philosophical origins of
Nazism, investigation of Hitler's personality, or a history of
Germany's participation in World War II. The war years occupy
about half of the book, but the focus is not on the actual conduct
of the war but rather the decisions which ultimately determined
its outcome, and the way (often bizarre) those decisions were made.
I first read this book in 1970. Rereading it four decades later, I
got a great deal more out of it than I did the first time, largely
because in the intervening years I'd read many other books about
the period which cover aspects of the period which Shirer's pure
Germany-focused reportage does not explore in detail.
The book has stood up well to the passage of time. The only striking
lacuna is that when the book was written the fact that Britain had
broken the German naval Enigma cryptosystem, and was thus able to read
traffic between the German admiralty and the U-boats, had not yet
been declassified by the British. Shirer's coverage of the Battle of
the Atlantic (which is cursory), thus attributes the success in
countering the U-boat threat to radar, antisubmarine air patrols, and
convoys, which were certainly important, but far from the whole story.
Shirer is clearly a man of the Left (he manages to work in a
snarky comment about the Coolidge administration in a book about
Nazi Germany), although no fan of Stalin, who he rightly identifies
as a monster. But I find that the author tangles himself up
intellectually in trying to identify Hitler and Mussolini as
“right wing”. Again and again he describes the
leftist intellectual and political background of key figures
in the Nazi and Fascist movements, and then tries to persuade us
they somehow became “right wing” because they changed
the colour of their shirts, even though the official platform and
policies of the Nazi and Fascist regimes differed only in the
details from those of Stalin, and even Stalin believed, by his
own testimony, that he could work with Nazi Germany to the mutual
benefit of both countries. It's worth revisiting
Liberal Fascism (January 2008)
for a deeper look at how collectivism, whatever the colour of the
shirts or the emblem on the flags, stems from the same intellectual
roots and proceeds to the same disastrous end point.
But these are quibbles about a monument of twentieth century
reportage which has the authenticity of having been written by
an eyewitness to many of the events described therein, the
scholarship of extensive citations and quotations of original
sources, and accessibility to the general reader. It is a classic
which has withstood the test of time, and if I'm still around
forty years hence, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading it a third time.

- Codevilla, Angelo.
The Ruling Class.
New York: Beaufort Books, 2010.
ISBN 978-0-8253-0558-0.
This slim volume (just 160 pages) is a somewhat expanded version
of the author's
discussed essay with the same title which appeared in the
July/August 2010 issue of The American Spectator. One of the
key aspects of “American exceptionalism” over most
of the nation's history has been something it didn't have
but which most European and Asian nations did: a ruling class distinct
from the general citizenry. Whether the ruling class was defined by
heredity (as in Britain), or by meritocratic selection (as in France
since the Revolution
and Germany after Bismarck), most countries had a class of rulers who
associated mostly with themselves, and considered themselves to
uniquely embody the expertise and wisdom to instruct the masses (a
word of which they tended to be fond) in how to live their lives.
In the U.S., this was much less the case. Before the vast centralisation
and growth of the federal government in the New Deal and afterward,
the country was mostly run by about fifty thousand people who got
involved in grass roots public service: school boards, county commissions,
and local political party organisations, from whom candidates for higher office
were chosen based upon merit, service, and demonstrated track record.
People who have come up by such a path will tend to be pretty well
anchored to the concerns of ordinary citizens because they are
ordinary citizens who have volunteered their time to get involved in
res publica.
But with the grand centralisation of governance in Imperial Washington
over the last century, a new kind of person was attracted to
what used to be, and is still called, with exquisite irony, “public
service”. These are people who have graduated from a handful of
élite universities and law schools, and with the exception of
perhaps a brief stint at a large law firm dealing mainly with the
government, spent their entire careers in the public sector and
its cloud of symbiotic institutions: regulatory agencies, appointed
offices, elected positions, lobbying firms, and “non-governmental
organisations” which derive their entire income from the
government. These individuals make up what I have been calling,
after Milovan Đilas,
the New Class, but which Codevilla designates
the Ruling Class in the present work.
In the U.S., entry to the ruling class is not, as it is in France,
a meritocracy based on competitive examinations and performance in
demanding academic institutions. Instead, it is largely a matter
of who you, or your family, knows, what university you attended,
and how well you conform to the set of beliefs indoctrinated there.
At the centre of this belief system is that a modern nation is
far too complicated to be governed by citizen-legislators chosen
by ignorant rubes who didn't attend Harvard, Yale, Stanford, or
one of the other ruling class feeder belts, but rather must be
guided by enlightened experts like, well, themselves, and that all
the ills of society can be solved by giving the likes of, well,
themselves, more power over the population. They justify this by
their reliance on “science” (the details of which
they are largely ignorant), and hence they fund a horde of
“scientists” who produce “studies” which
support the policies they advocate.
Codevilla estimates that about a third of the U.S. population
are either members of the ruling class (a small fraction), or
aligned with its policies, largely due to engineered dependency
on government programs. This third finds its political vehicle
in the Democratic party, which represents their interests well.
What about the other two thirds, which he dubs the “Country
Class” (which I think is a pretty lame term, but no better comes
immediately to mind)? Well, they don't have a political party at all,
really. The Republican party is largely made up of ruling class
people (think son of a president George W. Bush, or son of an
admiral John McCain), and quickly co-opts outsiders who make it
to Washington into the Imperial ruling class mindset.
A situation where one third of the population is dictating
its will to the rest, and taxing a minority to distribute the
proceeds to its electoral majority, in which only about a fifth of the
population believes the federal government has the
of the governed, and two thirds of the population have no
effective political vehicle to achieve their agenda is, as
Jimmy Carter's pollster Pat Caddell put it, pre-revolutionary.
Since the ruling class has put the country on an unsustainable
course, it is axiomatic that it will not be sustained. How it will
end, however, is very much up in the air. Perhaps the best
outcome would be a take-over of the Republican party by those
genuinely representative of the “country party”, but
that will be extremely difficult without a multitude of people
(encouraged by their rulers toward passivity and resignation to
the status quo) jumping into the fray. If the Republicans win a
resounding victory in the elections of November 2010 (largely
due to voters holding their noses and saying “they can't
be worse than the current bums in office”) and then
revert to ruling class business as usual, it's almost certain
there will be a serious third party in play in 2012, not just
at the presidential level (as the author notes, for a while in
1992, Ross Perot out-polled both the first Bush and Clinton
before people concluded he was a flake with funny ears), but also
in congressional races. If the Republicans are largely running
in 2010 on a platform of, “Hey, at least we aren't the
Democrats!”, then the cry in 2012 may be “We aren't
either of those foul, discredited parties.”
As fiscally responsible people, let's talk about value for money.
This book just doesn't cut it. You can
the original essay for free online. Although the arguments and
examples therein are somewhat fleshed out in this edition,
there's no essential you'll miss in reading the magazine essay
instead of this book. Further, the 160 page book is padded—I
can summon no kinder word—by inclusion of the full text of the
Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. Now, these are
certainly important documents, but it's not like they aren't
readily available online, nor that those inclined to read the
present volume are unfamiliar with them. I think their presence is
mostly due to the fact that were they elided, the book would be a
mere hundred pages and deemed a pamphlet at best.
This is an enlightening and important argument, and I think spot-on
in diagnosing the central problem which is transforming the U.S. from
an engine of innovation and productivity into a class warfare
redistributive nanny state. But save your money and read the magazine
article, not the book.

- McGovern, Patrick E.
Uncorking the Past.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.
ISBN 978-0-520-25379-7.
While a variety of animals are attracted to and consume
the alcohol in naturally fermented fruit, only humans
have figured out how to promote the process, producing
wine from fruit and beer from cereal crops. And they've
been doing it since at least the Neolithic period: the
author discovered convincing evidence of a fermented beverage
in residues on pottery found at the
Jiahu site in China,
inhabited between 7000 and 5800 B.C.
Indeed, almost every human culture which had access to fruits or
grains which could be turned into an alcoholic beverage did so,
and made the production and consumption of spirits an important
part of their economic and spiritual life. (One puzzle is why
the North American Indians, who lived among an abundance of
fermentable crops never did—there are theories that
tobacco and hallucinogenic mushrooms supplanted alcohol for
shamanistic purposes, but basically nobody really knows.)
The author is a pioneer in the field of biomolecular archæology
and head of the eponymous laboratory at the
of Pennsylvania Museum of Archæology and Anthropology;
in this book takes us on a tour around the world and across the
centuries exploring, largely through his own research and that
of associates, the history of fermented beverages in a variety of
cultures and what we can learn from this evidence about how they
lived, were organised, and interacted with other societies.
Only in recent decades has biochemical and genetic analysis progressed
to the point that it is possible not only to determine from some
gunk found at the bottom of an ancient pot not only that it was
some kind of beer or wine, but from what species of fruit and grain
it was produced, how it was prepared and fermented, and what additives
it may have contained and whence they originated. Calling on
experts in related disciplines such as palynology (the study of
pollen and spores, not of the Alaskan politician), the author is able
to reconstruct the economics of the bustling wine trade across the
Mediterranean (already inferred from shipwrecks carrying large numbers
of casks of wine) and the diffusion of the ancestral cultivated grape
around the world, displacing indigenous grapes which were less productive
for winemaking.
While the classical period around the Mediterranean is pretty much
soaked in wine, and it'd be difficult to imagine the Vikings and
other North Europeans without their beer and grogs, much less was
known about alcoholic beverages in China, South America, and Africa.
Once again, the author is on their trail, and not only reports upon
his original research, but also attempts, in conjunction with micro-brewers
and winemakers, to reconstruct the ancestral beverages of yore.
The biochemical anthropology of booze is not exactly a crowded
field, and in this account written by one of its leaders, you
get the sense of having met just about all of the people
pursuing it. A great deal remains to be learnt—parts
of the book read almost like a list of potential Ph.D. projects
for those wishing to follow in the author's footsteps. But that's
the charm of opening a new window into the past: just as DNA
and other biochemical analyses revolutionised the understanding of
human remains in archæology, the arsenal of modern analytical
tools allows reconstructing humanity's almost universal companion
through the ages, fermented beverages, and through them, uncork the
way in which those cultures developed and interacted.
A paperback edition will be published in
December 2010.

- Haisch, Bernard.
The Purpose-Guided Universe.
Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2010.
ISBN 978-1-60163-122-0.
The author, an astrophysicist who was an editor of the
Astrophysical Journal for a decade, subtitles
this book “Believing In Einstein, Darwin, and God”.
He argues that the militant atheists who have recently argued
that science is incompatible with belief in a Creator
are mistaken and that, to the contrary, recent scientific results
are not only compatible with, but evidence for, the intelligent
design of the laws of physics and the initial conditions of the
Central to his argument are the variety of “fine tunings”
of the physical constants of nature. He lists ten of these in the
book's summary, but these are chosen from a longer list. These are
quantities, such as the relative masses of the neutron and proton,
the ratio of the strength of the electromagnetic and gravitational
forces, and the curvature of spacetime immediately after the Big
Bang which, if they differed only slightly from their actual
values, would have resulted in a universe in which the complexity
required to evolve any imaginable form of life would not exist.
But, self evidently, we're here, so we have a mystery to explain.
There are really only three possibilities:
- The values of the fine-tuned parameters are those
we measure because they can't be anything else. One
day we'll discover a master equation which allows us to
predict their values from first principles, and we'll
discover that any change to that equation produces
inconsistent results. The universe is fine tuned
because that's the only way it could be.
- The various parameters were deliberately fine tuned by
an intelligent, conscious designer bent on creating a
universe in which sufficient complexity could evolve so
as to populate it with autonomous, conscious beings.
The universe is fine tuned by a creator because
that's necessary to achieve the goal of its creation.
- The parameters are random, and vary from universe to
universe among an ensemble in a “multiverse”
encompassing a huge, and possibly infinite number of
universes with no causal connection to one another. We
necessarily find the parameters of the universe we inhabit
to be fine tuned to permit ourselves to exist because if
they weren't, we wouldn't be here to make the observations
and puzzle over the results. The universe is fine tuned
because it's just one of a multitude with different settings,
and we can only observe one which happens to be tuned for us.
For most of the history of science, it was assumed that possibility
(1)—inevitability by physical necessity—was what we'd
ultimately discover once we'd teased out the fundamental laws at the
deepest level of nature. Unfortunately, despite vast investment in
physics, both experimental and theoretical, astronomy, and cosmology,
which has matured in the last two decades from wooly speculation to a
precision science, we have made essentially zero progress toward this
goal. String theory, which many believed in the heady days of the mid-1980s
to be the path to that set of equations you could wear on a T-shirt and
which would crank out all the dial settings of our universe, now
seems to indicate to some (but not all) of those pursuing
it, that possibility (3): a vast “landscape” of universes,
all unobservable even in principle, one of which with wildly improbable
properties we find ourselves in because we couldn't exist in most of the
others is the best explanation.
Maybe, the author argues, we should take another look at possibility
(2). Orthodox secular scientists are aghast at the idea, arguing that
to do so is to “abandon science” and reject rational
inference from experimental results in favour of revelation based
only on faith. Well, let's compare alternatives (2) and (3) in that
respect. Number three asks us to believe in a vast or infinite number
of universes, all existing in their own disconnected bubbles of spacetime
and unable to communicate with one another, which cannot be
detected by any imaginable experiment, without any evidence for the
method by which they were created nor idea how it all got started. And
all of this to explain the laws and initial conditions of the single
universe we inhabit. How's that for taking things on faith?
The author's concept of God in this volume is not that of the
personal God of the Abrahamic religions, but rather something
akin to the universal God of some Eastern religions, as summed
up in Aldous Huxley's
The Perennial Philosophy.
This God is a consciousness encompassing the entire universe
which causes the creation of its contents, deliberately setting
things up to maximise the creation of complexity, with the eventual
goal of creating more and more consciousness through which the
Creator can experience the universe. This is actually not unlike
the scenario sketched in Scott Adams's
God's Debris, which people might
take with the seriousness it deserves had it been written by somebody
other than the creator of Dilbert.
If you're a regular reader of this chronicle, you'll know that my
own personal view is in almost 100% agreement with Dr. Haisch on
the big picture, but entirely different on the nature of the Creator.
I'll spare you the detailed exposition, as you can read it in
my comments on Sean Carroll's
From Eternity to Here (February 2010).
In short, I think it's more probable than not we're living in a
simulation, perhaps created by a thirteen year old
post-singularity superkid as a science fair project. Unlike an
all-pervading but imperceptible
Brahman or an
infinitude of unobservable universes in an inaccessible multiverse,
the simulation hypothesis makes predictions which render it
falsifiable, and hence a scientific theory. Eventually, precision measurements
will discover, then quantify, discrepancies due to round-off errors in the
simulation (for example, an integration step which is too large),
and—what do you know—we already have in hand a
of nagging little discrepancies which look doggone suspicious to me.
This is not one of those mushy “science and religion can coexist”
books. It is an exploration, by a serious scientist who has thought deeply
about these matters, of why evidence derived entirely from science is pointing
those with minds sufficiently open to entertain the idea, that the possibility
of our universe having been deliberately created by a conscious intelligence
who endowed it with the properties that permit it to produce its own expanding
consciousness is no more absurd that the hypotheses favoured by those who reject
that explanation, and is entirely compatible with recent experimental results, which
are difficult in the extreme to explain in any other manner. Once the universe is
created (or, as I'd put it, the simulation is started), there's no reason for the
Creator to intervene: if all the dials and knobs are set correctly, the laws
discovered by Einstein, Darwin, Maxwell, and others will take care of the rest.
Hence there's no conflict between science and evidence-based belief in
a God which is the first cause for all which has happened since.

- Roach, Mary.
Packing for Mars.
New York: W. W. Norton, 2010.
ISBN 978-0-393-06847-4.
At the dawn of the space age, nobody had any idea what effects
travel into space might have on living beings, foremost among
them the intrepid pilots of the first ships to explore the
void. No organism from the ancestral cell of all terrestrial
life up to the pointiest-headed professor speculating about
its consequences had ever experienced more than an instant of
weightlessness, and that usually ended badly with a sudden stop
against an unyielding surface. (Fish and human divers are supported
by their buoyancy in the water, but they are not weightless:
the force of Earth's gravity continues to act upon their internal
organs, and might prove to be essential for their correct functioning.)
The eye, for example, freed of the pull of gravity, might change shape
so that it couldn't focus; it might prove impossible to swallow;
digestion of food in the stomach might not work without gravity
to hold the contents together at the bottom; urination might fail
without gravity working on the contents of the bladder, etc., etc..
The only way to be sure was to go and find out, and this delightful
and witty book covers the quest to discover how to live in space, from
the earliest animal experiments of the 1940s (most of which ended poorly
for the animals, not due to travelling in space, but rather the reliability
of the rockets and recovery systems to which they were entrusted) to
present day long duration space station missions and research into the human
factors of expeditions to Mars and the asteroids.
Travelling to space centres across the U.S., Russia, Europe, and
Japan, the author delves into the physiological and psychological, not
to mention the humourous and embarrassing aspects of venturing into
the vacuum. She boards the vomit comet to experience weightlessness
for herself, tries the television camera equipped “aiming practice
toilet” on which space shuttle astronauts train before their
missions, visits subjects in multi-month bed rest experiments studying
loss of muscle and bone mass on simulated interplanetary missions,
watches cadavers being used in crash tests of space capsules, tastes
a wide variety of overwhelmingly ghastly space food (memo to astronaut
corps worldwide: when they hire veterinarians to formulate your chow,
don't expect gourmet grub on orbit), and, speaking of grubby, digs into
experiments on the outer limits of lack of hygiene, including the
odorifically heroic
Gemini VII
mission in which Frank Borman and James Lovell spent two weeks in a
space smaller than the front seat of a Volkswagen Beetle with no way
to bathe or open the window, nor bathroom facilities other than plastic
bags. Some of the air to ground communications from that mission
which weren't broadcast to the public at the time are
reproduced here, and are both revealing and amusing in a grody kind of way.
We also meet the animals who preceded the first humans into space,
and discover that their personalities were more diverse than those
of the Right Stuff humans who followed. You may know of
Ham (who was
as gung-ho and outgoing as John Glenn) and
Enos (who could be as cold
and contemptuous as Alan Shepard, and as formidable hurling his feces
at those within range as Nolan Ryan was with a baseball), but just
imagine those who didn't fly, including Double Ugly, Miss Priss, and
Big Mean.
There are a huge number of factoids here, all well-documented, that even
the most obsessive space buff may not have come across. For example: why
does motion sickness make you vomit? It makes sense to vomit if you've
swallowed something truly noxious such as a glass of turpentine or a
spoonful of lima beans, but it doesn't make any sense when your
visual and vestibular systems are sending conflicting signals since
emptying your stomach does nothing to solve the problem. Well, it turns
out that functional brain imaging reveals that the “emetic brain”
which handles the crucial time-sequencing of the vomit reflex just happens
to be located next door in the meat computer to the area which integrates
signals from the inner ear and visual system. When the latter is receiving
crossed signals, it starts firing neurons wildly trying to make sense of it,
and electro-chemical crosstalk gets into vomit central next door
and it's a-hurling we will go. It turns out that, despite worries, most
human organs work just fine in weightlessness, but some of them behave
differently in ways to which space travellers must become accustomed.
Consider the bladder—with gravity, the stretching of the wall
of the bladder due to the weight of its contents is what triggers the
urge to relieve oneself. But in weightlessness, the contents of the
bladder, like other fluids, tend to cling to the walls due to surface
tension, and the bladder fills up with no signal at all until it's completely
full, at which point you have to go right now regardless of
whatever you're doing or whether another crewmember is using the
space toilet. Reusable manned spacecraft have a certain odour….
There may be nothing that better stimulates the human mind to think
out of the box than pondering flight out of this world, and we come
across a multitude of examples of innovative boffinology, both from the
pages of history and contemporary research. There's the scientist, one
of the world's preeminent authorities on chicken brains, who suggested
fattening astronauts up to be 20 kilograms obese before launch, which
would allow them to fly 90 day missions without the need to launch any
food at all. Just imagine the morale among that crew! Not to be outdone,
another genius proposed, given the rarity of laundromats in space, that
astronauts' clothes be made of digestible fibres, so that they could eat
their dirty laundry instead of packaged food. This seems to risk taking
“Eat my shorts!” even beyond the tolerance threshold of
Bart Simpson. Then consider the people who formulate simulated
astronaut poop for testing space toilets, and those who study farts
in space. Or, better yet, don't.
If you're remotely interested in space travel, you'll find this a
thoroughly enjoyable book, and your only regret when closing it will be
that it has come to an end. Speaking of which, if you don't read
them as you traverse the main text, be sure to read the extensive end
notes—there are additional goodies there for your delectation.
A paperback edition will be published in
April 2011.

- Thor, Brad.
The Lions of Lucerne.
New York: Pocket Books, 2002.
ISBN 978-0-7434-3674-8.
This was the author's first published novel, which introduced
Scot Harvath, the ex-Navy SEAL around whose exploits his subsequent
thrillers have centred. In the present book, Harvath has been
recruited into the Secret Service and is in charge of the U.S. president's
advance team and security detail for a ski trip to Utah which goes
disastrously wrong when an avalanche wipes out the entire Secret Service
field team except for Harvath, leaving the president missing and his
daughter grievously injured. This shock is compounded manyfold when
evidence indicates that the president has been kidnapped in an
elaborate plot, which is soon confirmed by an incontrovertible communication
from the kidnappers.
If things weren't bad enough for the seriously battered Harvath, still
suffering from a concussion and “sprained body”, he finds himself
framed as the person who leaked the security arrangements to the kidnappers
and for the murder of two people trying to bring evidence regarding the
plot to the attention of the authorities.
Harvath decides the only way he can clear his name is to get to the bottom
of the conspiracy and rescue the president himself and so, grasping at the
only thread of evidence he has, travels incognito to Switzerland, where
he begins to unravel the details of the plot, identify the conspirators, and
discover where the president is being held and devise a plan to rescue him.
You don't often come across a Swiss super-villain, but there's one here,
complete with an Alpine redoubt worth of a Bond blackguard.
This is a first novel, and it shows. Thor's mastery of the craft of the
thriller, both in storytelling and technical detail, has improved
over the years. If I hadn't read two of the more recent books,
I might have been inclined to give it up after this one, but knowing
what's coming, I'll continue to enjoy books from this series. In the present
story, we have a vast disparity between the means (an intricate and extremely
risky plot to kidnap the U.S. president) and the ends (derailing the passage
of an alternative energy bill like “cap and trade”), carried out
by an international conspiracy so vast that its security would almost
be certain to be quickly compromised, but which is, instead, revealed through
a series of fantastically improbable coincidences. Scot Harvath is pursued
by two independent teams of assassins who may be the worst shots in the
entire corpus of bestselling thrillers. And the Swiss authorities simply
letting somebody go who smuggled a gun into Switzerland, sprayed gunfire
around a Swiss city (damaging a historical landmark in the process), and then
broke into a secret Swiss military base doesn't sound like the Switzerland
with which I'm acquainted.
Still, this is well deserving of the designation
“thriller”, and it will keep you turning the pages.
It only improves from here, but I'd start with one of the more
recent novels.