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Friday, September 29, 2017

Floating Point Benchmark: Prolog Language Added

I have posted an update to my trigonometry-intense floating point benchmark which adds Prolog to the list of languages in which the benchmark is implemented. A new release of the benchmark collection including Prolog is now available for downloading.

Prolog is a language designed for logic programming. Working in conjunction with a database of facts and rules, one can make queries which are answered by applying the rules of formal logic. Thus, in Prolog, one often describes the answer one seeks and lets the language implementation find it rather than prescribing the steps through which the answer is obtained as one would in a conventional imperative programming language. Prolog is used in artificial intelligence and computational linguistics research, and is well-suited to the analysis of unstructured natural language. Components of IBM's Watson question answering system are written in Prolog. The first Prolog system was developed in 1972, and the language was standardised as ISO/IEC 13211-1 in 1995, with subsequent corrigenda in 2007 and 2012.

Prolog is intended for problems which are nothing like that performed by the floating point benchmark, which is a typical scientific computing task involving floating point numbers and trigonometric functions. However, Prolog supports floating point numbers and trigonometric functions, and as a Turing-complete language is able to perform any computational task which can be programmed in any other such language. So, this can be considered as a case of misusing Prolog for a task for which it wasn't remotely intended, with the goal of seeing how well it expresses the algorithms and performs.

The resulting program uses very little of Prolog's sophisticated pattern-matching and inference engine: the task simply doesn't require these facilities. Instead, Prolog is used as a functional programming language, employing its variables to pass arguments to and return values from functions coded as Prolog rules. The result looks somewhat odd to those accustomed to other programming languages, but one you get used to the syntax, the code is expressive and comprehensible. Pattern matching allows replacing all of the conditionals for the four cases of the transit_surface operation (marginal or paraxial ray, flat or curved surface) with four different rules selected by the arguments passed to them, as done in functional languages such as Haskell and Erlang.

I originally developed this benchmark on GNU Prolog version 1.4.4, but when I went to run the benchmark for an archival run time of around five minutes, I ran into the problem that GNU Prolog does not fully implement tail call optimisation. What does this mean? Prolog, like many functional languages, does not provide control structures for iteration. Instead, iteration is accomplished by recursion. For example, here's how you might write the factorial function in C using iteration:

    int factorial(int n) {
        int result = 1;
        int i;

        for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            result *= i;
        return result;
But Prolog has no equivalent of C's for statement, so you define the factorial function recursively as it's usually expressed in mathematics:
    fact(N, NF) :-
            fact(1, N, 1, NF).

    fact(X, X, F, F) :- !.

    fact(X, N, FX, F) :-
            X1 is X + 1,
            FX1 is FX * X1,
            fact(X1, N, FX1, F).
Now, this looks a bit odd until you become accustomed to the rather eccentric syntax of Prolog, but the key thing to take away is that evaluation is accomplished by the four argument definition of fact(). When the final definition of fact() calls itself, it is the last item executed, and tail call optimisation takes note of this and, instead of recursively calling itself, uses the same stack frame and transforms the recursion into an iteration. This allows recursion to an arbitrary depth without consuming large amounts of stack memory.

Tail call optimisation is common among languages such as Lisp, Haskell, and Prolog, but GNU Prolog does not implement it, or at least doesn't do so in a sufficiently general manner as to permit running benchmarks with a large number of iterations.

As a result, I moved the project from GNU Prolog to SWI-Prolog: a mature Prolog system which properly supports tail call optimisation. I used Linux version 7.6.0-rc2, which is a stable and complete implementation of Prolog, using the 64-bit Ubuntu installation package.

Development of the program was straightforward, with the only speed bumps my coming to terms with the Prolog way of doing things. This program constitutes an “abuse of language” almost as extreme as the COBOL version. Prolog is intended for logic programming where its underlying inference engine does most of the work in resolving queries where the programmer specifies a way to find the answer but not the details of how it is to be evaluated. Optical design ray tracing couldn't be more different—the computations must be evaluated procedurally, so I ended up using Prolog as a functional programming langauge, writing procedural code as ∧ expressions within rules, while taking advantage of Prolog's polymorphism and pattern matching to make the code more expressive of the problem being solved. Since Prolog provides full support for floating point arithmetic and trigonometric functions, there were no problems in evaluating the expressions used in the benchmark.

After testing the benchmark in SWI-Prolog for accuracy, I ran the Prolog benchmark for 13,725,893 iterations and obtained the following run times in seconds for five runs: (287.14, 286.64, 288.11, 288.15, 286.38) These runs give a mean time of 287.284 seconds, or 20.9301 microseconds per iteration.

I then ran the C benchmark for 166,051,660 iterations, yielding run times of: (296.89, 296.37, 296.29, 296.76, 296.37) seconds, with mean 296.536, for 1.7858 microseconds per iteration.

Dividing these gives a SWI-Prolog run time of 11.7203 longer than that of C. In other words, for this benchmark, SWI-Prolog runs around 11.72 times slower than C.

I next wanted to compare GNU Prolog with C. Because of the lack of tail call optimisation, I was unable to run the benchmark for the required number of iterations to obtain an “on the record” run of about five minutes (even when I tried tricks of nesting iterations in calls), so I estimated its performance as follows.

I ran the benchmark on GNU Prolog with 450000 iterations, which was the maximum I could use after setting “export GLOBALSZ=80000000000” to create an enormous global stack. I received the following timings in seconds: (4.37, 4.36, 4.41, 4.33, 4.32) of which the mean is 4.358 seconds.

Then, I ran the same benchmark under SWI-Prolog and measured: (8.90, 8.80, 8.79, 8.99, 8.96) for a mean of 8.888. This gives a run time ratio of GNU Prolog to SWI-Prolog of 0.49032, and applying this to the measured ratio of SWI-Prolog to C, we can infer a ratio of GNU Prolog to C of 5.7467.

I do not report this as a primary benchmark for GNU Prolog because its lack of tail call optimisation prevented it from fulfilling the conditions of the benchmark: a run of around five minutes. It is, however, indicative of the performance of Prolog which can be obtained by compiling to native code, and is included because it demonstrates that Prolog can perform within the range of other compiled languages.

In summary, Prolog did pretty well on this job for which it wasn't designed. The program is straightforward and readable, and the performance in SWI-Prolog is comparable to other languages which compile to byte code, as does this Prolog implementation. GNU Prolog, which compiles to native machine code, performed better than GNU Common Lisp in compiled mode, but toward the slow end of machine code compilers (but, since the full benchmark could not be run, the GNU Prolog results are not archival).

This directory includes a Makefile which can build the benchmark using either SWI-Prolog of GNU Prolog (which, of course, must be installed on your machine). The SWI-Prolog version of the benchmark uses that system's nonstandard three argument format/3 predicate to print its results to Prolog atoms, allowing the program to perform its own accuracy test at the completion of the benchmark. GNU Prolog and the ISO standard do not implement this extension, so alternative code is used which simply prints the output of the last iteration of the benchmark to standard output where it is compared with the expected results with diff.

The relative performance of the various language implementations (with C taken as 1) is as follows. All language implementations of the benchmark listed below produced identical results to the last (11th) decimal place.

Language Relative
C 1 GCC 3.2.3 -O3, Linux
Visual Basic .NET 0.866 All optimisations, Windows XP
FORTRAN 1.008 GNU Fortran (g77) 3.2.3 -O3, Linux
Pascal 1.027
Free Pascal 2.2.0 -O3, Linux
GNU Pascal 2.1 (GCC 2.95.2) -O3, Linux
Swift 1.054 Swift 3.0.1, -O, Linux
Rust 1.077 Rust 0.13.0, --release, Linux
Java 1.121 Sun JDK 1.5.0_04-b05, Linux
Visual Basic 6 1.132 All optimisations, Windows XP
Haskell 1.223 GHC 7.4.1-O2 -funbox-strict-fields, Linux
Scala 1.263 Scala 2.12.3, OpenJDK 9, Linux
Ada 1.401 GNAT/GCC 3.4.4 -O3, Linux
Go 1.481 Go version go1.1.1 linux/amd64, Linux
Simula 2.099 GNU Cim 5.1, GCC 4.8.1 -O2, Linux
Lua 2.515
LuaJIT 2.0.3, Linux
Lua 5.2.3, Linux
Python 2.633
PyPy 2.2.1 (Python 2.7.3), Linux
Python 2.7.6, Linux
Erlang 3.663
Erlang/OTP 17, emulator 6.0, HiPE [native, {hipe, [o3]}]
Byte code (BEAM), Linux
ALGOL 60 3.951 MARST 2.7, GCC 4.8.1 -O3, Linux
PL/I 5.667 Iron Spring PL/I 0.9.9b beta, Linux
Lisp 7.41
GNU Common Lisp 2.6.7, Compiled, Linux
GNU Common Lisp 2.6.7, Interpreted
Smalltalk 7.59 GNU Smalltalk 2.3.5, Linux
Forth 9.92 Gforth 0.7.0, Linux
Prolog 11.72
SWI-Prolog 7.6.0-rc2, Linux
GNU Prolog 1.4.4, Linux, (limited iterations)
COBOL 12.5
Micro Focus Visual COBOL 2010, Windows 7
Fixed decimal instead of computational-2
Algol 68 15.2 Algol 68 Genie 2.4.1 -O3, Linux
Perl 23.6 Perl v5.8.0, Linux
Ruby 26.1 Ruby 1.8.3, Linux
JavaScript 27.6
Opera 8.0, Linux
Internet Explorer 6.0.2900, Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6, Linux
QBasic 148.3 MS-DOS QBasic 1.1, Windows XP Console
Mathematica 391.6 Mathematica, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspbian

Posted at 20:56 Permalink