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Thursday, April 22, 2021

CONTINUITY: Stable Planetary Orbits within the Event Horizon of a (Kerr-Newman) Black Hole?

Here is an interesting 2011 paper I'd not previously encountered: “Is there life inside black holes?” by Vyacheslav I. Dokuchaev of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Bound inside rotating or charged black holes, there are stable periodic planetary orbits, which neither come out nor terminate at the central singularity. Stable periodic orbits inside black holes exist even for photons. These bound orbits may be defined as orbits of the third kind, following the Chandrasekhar classification of particle orbits in the black hole gravitational field. The existence domain for the third kind orbits is rather spacious, and thus there is place for life inside supermassive black holes in the galactic nuclei. Interiors of the supermassive black holes may be inhabited by civilizations, being invisible from the outside. In principle, one can get information from the interiors of black holes by observing their white hole counterparts.

The author further calculates that within a supermassive black hole, such as exist in the centres of many galaxies, the tidal forces on a planet following such an orbit would not disrupt it or its inhabitants. “We hypothesize that civilizations of the third type (according to Kardashev scale) may live safely inside the supermassive BHs in the galactic nuclei being invisible from the outside.”

Perhaps we don't observe galactic-scale civilisations because once they approach that level of technology they decamp to new homes within supermassive black holes, where their access to energy is unlimited (by exploiting the Penrose process around the central singularity), they can observe the entire future of the external universe and the folly of civilisations still stuck there in an instant, and their activities are protected by the ultimate stealth of an event horizon.

Posted at April 22, 2021 10:14