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Monday, March 29, 2021


From the post, “UFO Stylized Social Facts”:

So it isn’t crazy to think that aliens might have indirect obsessive lazy motives for UFO encounters, motives hidden perhaps even from themselves. But this case of overcoming the usual coordinated limits to fly to a distant star just to glow-buzz their treetops, seems spectacularly extravagant even by the standards of dreamtime humans today.

To do this, aliens need a sufficient level of “slack” resources available to spend on such symbolic activities. And even with hidden motives and lazy organizations, we humans usually at least make up vague stories about the practical ends served by our actions, even when such stories don’t stand up to close scrutiny. So we want an explanation of this level of alien slack, and we’d like to have some ideas of what stories aliens might tell about the ends they accomplished by UFO encounters.

Actually, my crackpot theory in “Flying Saucers Explained” is perfectly consistent with these observations.

Posted at March 29, 2021 12:20