January 2021 Archives
Sunday, January 31, 2021
CONTINUITY: How NASA Trained Lunar Lander Pilots
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Mandelbroth pic.twitter.com/iShfB74RJJ
— Debarati Das🌌 (@SpaceWicca) January 29, 2021
CONTEXT: What Does “Weapons Grade” Mean?
Check yo' isotopes!
Friday, January 29, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: The Planets in 3D from the Parker Solar Probe
The Parker Solar Probe team released a two-image mosaic that shows all the inner planets from Mercury to Saturn. I realized that if they could get a good baseline it would allow the solar system to be seen in 3D. Brian May responded with this simulated stereo pair. pic.twitter.com/Bk8XCD1EcC
— Tod R. Lauer (@TodLauer) January 29, 2021
Use crossed-eye image fusion to view in three dimensions.
CONTEXT: Earth's Surface Area by Territory
What takes up the surface area of our wonderful planet? Loved the bit of #geographytrivia that Russia when split into its European and its Asian half would still be the largest nation on either continent. Source: https://t.co/EMuB8SpCeF HT @VisualCap pic.twitter.com/x5fYo1f3Kx
— Simon Kuestenmacher (@simongerman600) January 29, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Reusable Handwarmers That Get Hot by Freezing
CONTINUITY: Cog Railway Switch
Cog railway tracks for steep mountain trains sometimes use this peculiar kind of junction switch. This one is in Obwalden, Switzerland [source: https://t.co/lBdT0HfyPR] pic.twitter.com/6LLGIFMWgU
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) January 28, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Why SpaceX Will Catch Super Heavy
CONTEXT: A Bound System of Six Stars, Including Three Eclipsing Binaries
📣Discovery alert!📣
— NASA Exoplanets (@NASAExoplanets) January 27, 2021
In a first, astronomers find a system of six stars made of three eclipsing binaries. Stars orbit their partners and pairs circle each other. It's a star dance party in space! @NASA's TESS space telescope spotted this strange system.https://t.co/iVGdrwkUyy pic.twitter.com/SYpeadmpML
Here is the scientific paper: “TIC 168789840: A Sextuply-Eclipsing Sextuple Star System”. This is going to be great fun to model with numerical integration.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Open Source CubeSats Ease the Pain of Building Your Own
Open Source CubeSats Ease The Pain Of Building Your Own
— hackaday (@hackaday) January 28, 2021
Space is hard, especially if you haven’t done it before. A growing number of CubeSats are launched by small, inexperienced teams every year, and a number of them fail due to missing some small but … https://t.co/AafdPbivIu
Here are the GitHub repositories with the hardware design files and software source code.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
CONTINUITY: Make Your Own Efficient, Long-Lived “Dubai Lamps”
A simple series capacitive dropper allows running higher-wattage LED bulbs at lower current, increasing efficiency, reducing heat generation, and dramatically improving the lifetime of the bulb. These aren't as nice as real Dubai lamps, as featured here on 2020-01-14, since they lack the voltage regulator which eliminates blinking with voltage changes, but they're an improvement on bulbs that over-drive their LEDs and burn out in short order. They do have a poor power factor, but unless you have a smart electric meter that charges for peak current, that won't show up on your electric bill (and besides, most cheap LED bulbs use capacitive droppers anyway and already have low power factors).
One nice thing about LED bulbs is that under-driving them does not change the colour of the light—it purely reduces intensity by limiting the duty cycle.
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: SpaceX's Record Breaking* Rideshare Mission Launches 143 Satellites
* Before viewing, can you guess which previous mission launched more objects into orbit in a single launch?
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: How Many Ways Can You Make Change for a Googol Dollars?
This problem is presented in Concrete Mathematics by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik.
CONTEXT: Was ʻOumuamua an Artefact of an Intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilisation?
Was interstellar object 1I/ʻOumuamua an artefact of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilisation? “Extraterrestrial” by Avi Loeb (chairman of Harvard Astronomy dept.), published today, makes the case it was. https://t.co/RppyAXofl8
— John Walker (@Fourmilab) January 26, 2021
Monday, January 25, 2021
CONTINUITY: Seventy-Five Years Ago Today: The Last Strong (Mag. 5.8) Earthquake in Switzerland
Aujourd’hui il y a 75 ans, le dernier fort tremblement de terre en Suisse. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://t.co/MLP8Il41DC pic.twitter.com/c5YwDQ5VNd
— Service Sismologique (@seismoCH_F) January 25, 2021
CONTEXT: Blue Origin's Rockets and Rocket Engines
Sunday, January 24, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Lunar Lander that Makes its Own Landing Pad
How do you prepare a landing pad on the Moon?@mastenspace says: turn your rocket engine into a giant injector nozzle that coats the lunar surface in (aluminium?) particle that sinter into a solid pad. https://t.co/MwOiHLeZpU pic.twitter.com/QJa4paP0Fc
— ToughSF (@ToughSf) January 24, 2021
CONTEXT: Solid Iodine Thruster for Microsatellite In-Orbit Propulsion
Iodine thrusters will allow low-budget cubesats to do serious, long-duration missions. They also make it simpler to de-orbit old satellites before they turn into space junk. https://t.co/oC5H3TwlYY pic.twitter.com/wfhTlLE0Th
— Corey S. Powell (@coreyspowell) January 24, 2021
This thruster uses electricity to sublimate a solid block of elemental iodine and ionises the liberated iodine gas for propulsion. Thrust is low, but it is simple, light, has no moving parts, and should have a long life. One application is de-orbiting microsatellites at end of life, reducing space junk.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: A Countertop Dishwasher, and It Actually Works
The “detergent cartridges” seem kind of scammy, like the printer ink racket, but according to the manufacturer, you can use it with conventional detergent if you wish. Can this redeem the concept of “Bob” as a product name after the dog's breakfast Microsoft made of it?
CONTINUITY: SpaceX Transporter -1, Second Launch Attempt
After a scrub due to weather yesterday, the second launch attempt for the SpaceX Transporter-1 ride-share mission with 143 satellites bound for Sun-synchronous orbit is scheduled for 15:00 UTC on 2021-01-24.
Update: both fairing halves have been recovered from the sea. (2021-01-24 18:36 UTC)
SpaceX appears to have retrieved the two payload fairing halves from today’s Falcon 9 launch on the Transporter-1 mission.
— Spaceflight Now (@SpaceflightNow) January 24, 2021
The fairings descended under parachute into the Atlantic Ocean just north of Cuba.
Continuing coverage: https://t.co/cx1fjVZqgJ pic.twitter.com/m1wMODgqm0
Saturday, January 23, 2021
CONTEXT: Animated View of Fuel Flow During a SpaceX Starship Hop
Note how the pressurised “header tanks” are essential to feeding propellant to the engines during the flip maneuver just before landing.
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Three Hours of Conversation on Physics, Theories of Everything, and Doing Research outside Academia
With Brian Keating (host), Garrett Lisi (developer of the E8 theory of fundamental physics), and Eric Weinstein (in the second two hours).
THE HAPPENING WORLD: SpaceX Transporter-1 Launch: 143 Satellites to Polar Orbit
The first of SpaceX's small satellite rideshare missions is set for liftoff Saturday from Cape Canaveral, providing transportation to orbit for 143 spacecraft, a record number of satellites on a single launch.
— Spaceflight Now (@SpaceflightNow) January 23, 2021
Launch is set for 9:40am EST (1440 GMT).https://t.co/cx1fjVHPpb pic.twitter.com/DAwyHXb4Hb
This will be SpaceX's second launch to sun-synchronous orbit from Cape Canaveral, which, prior to the first last year, hadn't been done since the 1960s. SpaceX's first stage recovery allows polar orbit launches which previously required launching from Imperial Space Base Vandenberg in the People's Republic of California to be launched from Florida. The ride-share launch will include 10 of SpaceX's own Starlink satellites, the first launched to polar orbit to serve high-latitude customers. The first stage booster has flown four times previously, including on the first Crew Dragon launch to the International Space Station. Liftoff is scheduled for 14:40 UTC.
Friday, January 22, 2021
CONTINUITY: Finally—a Personal Gatling Gun!
It takes 9 mm Glock magazines and isn't, under U.S. law, a machine gun, since you have to manually turn the crank to fire each successive shot. Here is a longer review video.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Tensegrity Structures Explained
CONTINUITY: For 21 Years, No-One in Britain Knew How Long an Inch Was
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
CONTINUITY: Rocket Lab: “Another One Leaves the Crust” Launch
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Virgin Reaches Orbit with the Help of Cosmic Girl
Scott Manley wraps up Virgin Orbit's successful air launch mission.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: SpaceX Starlink 17 Launch
Launch is scheduled for 13:03 UTC. This will be the eighth flight of the first stage booster, a record for reusability.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Secrets of the “Nothing Grinder”
Monday, January 18, 2021
CONTEXT: Burning Oxygen in an Atmosphere of Propane
Isaac Asimov wrote a science fiction story, “The Dust of Death” based on a similar premise. We now know that the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan is composed mostly of nitrogen, with methane less than 5% by volume.
CONTINUITY: US Airways Flight 1549 Ditching in the Hudson River: A Pilot's Analysis
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Virgin Orbit Demo 2 Launch Onboard Camera
Virgin Orbit's LauncherOne air-launched rocket successfully put its payload in orbit after being dropped from the 747 mother ship. Air launching allows all-azimuth launches to be staged without multiple land-based launch sites, and equatorial launches with maximum assist from the Earth's rotation.
CONTINUITY: Diogenes: “Learn to live on lentils”
The philosopher Diogenes was eating lentils for supper. He was seen by Aristippus, who said, 'If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.' Diogenes replied: “Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.” pic.twitter.com/qpY87aPbfG
— Michael Lambda (@Michael_Lambda) January 16, 2021
Sunday, January 17, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: First Full Test of SLS Booster Fails as Engines Trigger Emergency Shutdown
Here is Scott Manley's quick look analysis of the SLS test firing abort. He notes that in 2020, there was discussion about skipping the “green run” test and proceeding directly to launch. Had they done that, it might have been a really bad day for SLS (but at least the first launch will not carry a crew, although that was also considered in 2020, as part of the push to return to the Moon by 2024).
CONTEXT: Building an Apollo Ground Service Equipment Panel Prop
Putting a collection of those cool Apollo-era control panel switches to “work”.
CONTINUITY: A Working Edison Light Bulb from 1896
Saturday, January 16, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: NASA Space Launch System Test Firing Aborts after 60 Seconds
The SLS core stage engines shut down a little more than a minute into the planned eight-minute firing. https://t.co/B639YAgQec pic.twitter.com/CxWKqkm3Vf
— Spaceflight Now (@SpaceflightNow) January 16, 2021
After 13 years of development and 18 billion dollars spent on development, the Space Launch System core stage test firing shut down 60 seconds into a planned 8 minute test firing, just at the point the engine gimbal test was to start.
The NASA TV commentators are still reading from the script for a successful test.
Update: “Major component failure” (2020-01-16 22:47 UTC)
From the NASA TV replay, a controller says they got an MCF on Engine 4. “But we’re still running. We’ve got four good engines, right?” another controller says. The engines continue to run for another 10-15 seconds before shutdown. https://t.co/Ve1TgS6MyX
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) January 16, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Core Stage Test Firing
From Apollo to @NASAArtemis 🌙
— NASA_SLS (@NASA_SLS) January 15, 2021
The date is set. @NASA and its partners, @BoeingSpace and @AerojetRdyne, will conduct a “hot fire” of the core stage for NASA’s Space Launch System rocket this Saturday, Jan. 16. DETAILS >> https://t.co/zxjiowj7w7 pic.twitter.com/N5D3VCeDa9
The NASA Space Launch System (SLS) is easily the stupidest orbital launch system ever seriously developed. On each launch, which will cost around a billion US$, not counting the approximately twenty billion in sunk R&D costs before it ever flies, and flying at most once a year, it will discard as junk in the ocean four Space Shuttle Main Engines and two solid rocket boosters, all of which were routinely reused during the thirty years of the Space Shuttle program. Including its predecessor, the Constellation program Ares V, it has been under development for 13 years, whereas the comparable Saturn V took around five years from program start to first flight in the 1960s.
The Space Launch System has been called the “Senate Launch System” because it was largely mandated by politicians to keep NASA centres and contractors busy after the end of the Space Shuttle program. If this and a subsequent unmanned test flight are successful, it is not expected to fly its first crew before the summer of 2023.
The test firing is scheduled for 22:00 UTC on 2021-01-16.
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: I Painted My Entire Room with Musou Black—the World’s Blackest Paint
Friday, January 15, 2021
CONTEXT: Humidifiers: Simpler Is Better?
Not mentioned: if you have a lot of lime scale (calcaire) in your water, the the wick of an evaporative humidifier will become less and less effective as its pores are clogged with scale deposits. So, even if you don't have a problem with smelly gunk growing in the humidifier, it's best to replace the wick(s) at least once per season or when you notice the relative humidity falling below where it's normally maintained.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Facial Recognition Predicts People's Politics with 72% Accuracy
Facial recognition technology can correctly predict a person's political orientation 72% of the time, better than chance (50%), human judgment (55%), or a personality questionnaire (66%). https://t.co/IUEtEYsx4A pic.twitter.com/NAuC9ZBJDY
— Rob Henderson (@robkhenderson) January 15, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Mathematicians Resurrect Hilbert’s 13th Problem
"Long considered solved, David Hilbert’s question about seventh-degree polynomials is leading researchers to a new web of mathematical connections." via @QuantaMagazine https://t.co/ZK6BAxhz12
— Quantum Gravity Res. (@emergencetheory) January 14, 2021
Did you know that every smooth cubic surface contains exactly 27 straight lines?
Thursday, January 14, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: LED Lamps from Dubai: They Leave the West Behind
Only sold in Dubai: Philips LED lamps that use more LED chips running at lower current, resulting in greater efficiency (light output per electrical power consumed) and much longer life. The initial cost is higher, but the longer life will probably more than recover this. There's an internal voltage regulator which keeps the lamps from dimming or brightening when the mains voltage varies (but means they won't work with dimmers).
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Blue Origin NS-14 Suborbital Launch
The live Webcast is scheduled to begin at 15:15 UTC on 2021-01-14, with launch scheduled for 15:45 UTC. These launch times have frequently been delayed in the past.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: SpaceX Starship SN9 Performs Three Static Firings in One Day
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
CONTEXT: Heeees back!
Hi! I'm Clippy, your office assistant! pic.twitter.com/SOZOf2jqZY
— Faces in Things (@FacesPics) January 13, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: The Many Forms of Brassica oleracea
The invention of broccoli. We totally nailed that one. pic.twitter.com/5dUN4ZUNqq
— Mispy (@mispy11) January 12, 2021
And don't forget Brassica’s wacky fractal sibling, Romanesco!
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
CONTINUITY: Origin of the UNIVAC 1103A Scientific Computer (1953, 1956) ERA, Sperry Rand
The Univac 1101 through 1105, all vacuum tube machines, were the first generation of ERA/Univac scientific computers. The second generation, the transistorised Univac 1107, retained the original 36 bit word length, but re-architected the machine into what would be the 1100/2200 series for decades to come. The story of the 1107 and successors picks up in my Univac Memories archive.
CONTINUITY: So Many Ideas, So Little Time…
https://t.co/TKkruvgBth pic.twitter.com/ocy2gFRYvN
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 12, 2021
Some day, let me tell you the story of MTBF.NET and DATAIMMORTALITY.COM….
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Exploding Hardened Steel Parts with 150 Ton Hydraulic Press
Monday, January 11, 2021
CONTINUITY: Monsanto's Plastic “Home of the Future” at Disneyland (1957)
CONTEXT: The Nuclear Salt Water Rocket
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Moon Phases in 2021 (Including Libration and Position Angle)
For additional details, see my:
Sunday, January 10, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Amazon Web Services (AWS) to Terminate Parler's Hosting at Midnight
NEW: Amazon is booting Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, knocking the pro-Trump social network offline until it finds a new host. https://t.co/zdR68ASJM2
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) January 10, 2021
After being pulled from both Apple and Google's app stores, the free speech social network Parler is about to lose its server platform at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Parler CEO says it may take up to a week to bring up replacement hosting, until which time the service will be down for all users, whether on mobile apps or the Web.
CONTINUITY: Drilling Out the Microphone in Google's Stadia Game Controller
Careful Drilling Keeps Stadia From Listening In
— hackaday (@hackaday) January 10, 2021
Google’s fledgling Stadia service leverages the Chrome ecosystem to deliver streamed PC games on mobile devices, web browsers, and TVs. While not strictly required, the company even offers a dedicated Stad… https://t.co/QP4XT8RcsT
CONTEXT: 1962 Italian Magazine: “The World of 2022”
This Italian magazine from 1962 predicted what society would look like in 2022. The ‘With You Forever’ is a little eerie, given our current circumstances. pic.twitter.com/M5jyGKRKow
— Helen Ingram (@drhingram) January 9, 2021
Saturday, January 9, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Time for Life after Google?

With a perfect storm of banning, de-platforming, un-publishing, and un-personing underway by the “social media” (Hayek observed in The Fatal Conceit that any word in the English language is devalued by preceding it with “social”) companies and their “woke” allies in the corporate world, media, and academia, it might be an excellent week-end to read, or re-read George Gilder's superb Life after Google (link is to my review: a Kindle edition is available).
Gilder explains how today's monolithic and monopolistic “data silos” are the consequences of the technologies and economic incentives under which they evolved, and that these precursors are on the threshold of being rendered as impotent and obsolete by emerging technologies (such as ubiquitous and inexpensive broadband connectivity via 5G mobile and massive low-Earth orbit satellite constellations, secure and distributed peer-to-peer data storage and transaction processing, and decentralised and secure payment and micropayment systems) as the continental-scale railroad-era coercive empires and the central banks and fiat money which sustain them.

Think about it—do we really want to live in a world where Chong, Apu, and Data get to decide what constitutes acceptable speech for human beings around the world? We presently have nearly all the technologies at hand to supplant these obsolescent and manipulative cathedrals of coercion with a bazaar in which people own their own data, cannot be silenced, and are compensated for their work on their own terms, not subject to the approval of oligarchs or illegitimate state control. (I say “nearly” because we aren't quite there when it comes to large-volume, high bandwidth video and streaming, but the widespread roll-out of 5G and the next generation of storage devices will take care of that.) Deploying these technologies in a way that empowers individuals and organisations that adopt them and leaving behind the present dark era which has betrayed the original promise and, indeed, the design goals of the Internet and the World-Wide Web, is one of the outstanding technological challenges and opportunities of the day. Indeed, were I a few decades younger, it's what I'd be working on right now, with the expectation not only of making the world a better place but, while giving away all of the core technologies for free, winding up wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice by the opportunities created as they were adopted and deployed.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: After BREXIT, Swiss Stocks to Trade on London Exchanges
Amazing. The Stock Market was not allowed to trade Swiss Shares when under the EU. pic.twitter.com/k3SVOhuHQ8
— Hilton Holloway (@hiltonholloway) January 9, 2021
CONTINUITY: Most Popular Programming Languages, 1965–2019
Friday, January 8, 2021
CONTINUITY: The Tyranny of Big Publishing
— Simon & Schuster (@simonschuster) January 7, 2021
Simon says, “Shut up”.
CONTEXT: The Closest Star to the Solar System: Proxima Centauri with Parallax Nick
THE HAPPENING WORLD: “Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model”
A paper published in Nature demonstrates the MuZero algorithm from DeepMind, which uses model-based reinforcement learning to achieve superhuman performance in games without knowing anything about their rules. https://t.co/FptPTypq1t pic.twitter.com/o6WssRYER7
— Nature (@nature) January 8, 2021
Thursday, January 7, 2021
CONTEXT: SAT Score Inflation over 45 Years
The gradual degradation of an excellent test for no good reason. It gets even worse if you take the expansion of the test-taking pool into account.
— Charles Murray (@charlesmurray) January 7, 2021
The two break points are the major revisions in the SAT in 1994–95 and 2016-17 pic.twitter.com/hqM5lSypng
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Vacuum Tubes: Getting Familiar with Getters
More about getters.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Extracting Personal Information from Large Language Models Like GPT-2
Extracting Personal Information from Large Language Models Like GPT-2 https://t.co/lGwRKbRomj
— Schneier Blog (@schneierblog) January 7, 2021
Original paper on arXiv.
CONTINUITY: Jamie Hyneman Can't Delete His Content from Facebook
Deleting FB has only deleted my ability to log in. I don't mind if people read the stuff I posted, but I don't want to be associated with such a parasite. I'll just trash them on twitter and they can see how they like harvesting THAT data. They might prefer just deleting my page.
— Jamie Hyneman (@JamieNoTweet) January 7, 2021
CONTEXT: 1975 Mainframe CPU Module — Amdahl 470
In the 1970s, I worked right down the street from Amdahl headquarters and across the orchard from Intel's starship. I never imagined such hackery was being perpetrated chez Amdahl. Had I known, I might have applied for a job there.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: India’s Chandrayaan 2 Reveals Highest Resolution Images of the Moon from Orbit
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
CONTINUITY: Orbital Launch Scorecard, 2020
Jonathan McDowell has published his “Space Activities in 2020” [PDF, 112 pages], with the authoritative data we have come to expect from this publication. Below is a summary I have extracted about orbital launch attempts in 2020 by country. There were a total of 114 orbital launch attempts from Earth in the year, of which 104 succeeded in placing their payloads in orbit. In addition, there was one successful orbital launch from the Moon, China's Chang'e 5 sample return ascender, which is not included in the table below.
Country | Launches | Successes | Failures |
China | 39 | 35 | 4 |
U.S. | 37 | 34 | 3 |
Russia | 12 | 12 | 0 |
Europe | 10 | 9 | 1 |
New Zealand | 7 | 6 | 1 |
Japan | 4 | 4 | 0 |
India | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Iran | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Israel | 1 | 1 | 0 |
TOTAL | 114 | 104 | 10 |
Because it has become increasingly common to deploy multiple payloads from a single orbital launch, whether constellation deployments such as SpaceX's Starlink or ride-share and cubesat swarms, the statistics for payloads orbited look very different from those of launches. Here are payloads orbited in 2020 by country,
Country | Payloads |
U.S. | 979 |
Europe | 129 |
China | 74 |
Other | 57 |
Russia | 22 |
TOTAL | 1261 |
Monday, January 4, 2021
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Thunderstorm Sprite Lightning at 100,000 Frames per Second
Details from Astronomy Picture of the Day.
CONTEXT: Empire of Stupid: “Amen and Awomen”
The prayer to open the 117th Congress ended with "amen and a-women."
— Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (@GReschenthaler) January 3, 2021
Amen is Latin for "so be it."
It's not a gendered word.
Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable. pic.twitter.com/FvZ0lLMDDr
CONTINUITY: Amazon Has Trucks Filled with Hard Drives and an Armed Guard
Amazon Has Trucks Filled with Hard Drives and an Armed Guard https://t.co/0DmMRbOywP
— Schneier Blog (@schneierblog) January 4, 2021
Related: “168 AWS Services in 2 Minutes”
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Tighten This Bolt in Any Direction You Want
Tighten This Bolt in Any Direction You Want
— hackaday (@hackaday) January 4, 2021
Metal lathes are capable machines that played a large role in the industrial revolution, and an incredible tool to have at your disposal. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be used to have a little fun, as demon… https://t.co/4IbNbWfli5
Sunday, January 3, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: Technology Forecasts for the Roaring Twenties
Eli Dourado has published an insightful forcecast of technologies which may be important in the 2020s. There are numerous links to technologies and companies pursuing them. https://t.co/1KQK1m3AN6
— John Walker (@Fourmilab) January 3, 2021
CONTINUITY: “At Home, 2001”—Late 1960s View of the 21st Century Home
From the CBS TV series The 21st Century with Walter Cronkite.
THE HAPPENING WORLD: SpaceX to Catch Super Heavy Booster by Its Grid Fins?
CONTEXT: Average Colour of Solar System Bodies
The average color of some solar system objects. Measured spectra converted to CIE XYZ converted to sRGB. pic.twitter.com/2whxPycPM1
— Donald Mitchell (@DonaldM38768041) January 2, 2021
The Earth is purple? Who knew?
Saturday, January 2, 2021
CONTINUITY: Fourmilab Gridmark: Automated Benchmarks for Second Life
Available for free with full permissions in the Second Life Marketplace, with complete source code published at GitHub.
CONTEXT: Welcome Aboard the R.100
For a detailed account of the British airships R.100 and its government boondoggle competitor R.101, see Nevil Shute's magnificent book Slide Rule.
Here is a video about the R.101 by Bill Hammack, author of the book Fatal Flight.
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: Extracting Potassium Metal from Bananas
Friday, January 1, 2021
THE HAPPENING WORLD: U.S. House of Representatives to Eliminate “Gendered Terms” from its Rules
“Gendered terms” like “father, daughter, mother, and son” are now eliminated in the House rules for the 117th Congress pic.twitter.com/Hz4x6gOfrX
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 1, 2021
In clause 8(c)(3) of rule XXIII, strike “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, or grand-daughter” and insert “parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild”.
I stand by my 1985 prediction that this will eventually lead to mandating the term “s/he/it” to avoid excluding artificial intelligences, followed soon thereafter by the complete collapse of this folly everywhere outside Marin County, California.
Read the whole (stupid) thing. [PDF]
CONTEXT: Jill Tarter: Signals from Proxima Centauri, Advice from Carl Sagan, and SETI @ 60!
TRACKING WITH CLOSEUPS: How SpaceX Recovers Falcon 9 after Drone Ship Landings
CONTINUITY: Every Orbital Launch Of 2020
Includes launch attempts which did not reach orbit. A summary is at the end of the video.