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Monday, November 18, 2013

ETSET Version 3.4 Posted

Version 3.4 of ETSET, which translates electronic texts written in human readable form into LaTeX (and thence to PostScript and PDF, if you wish), HTML (either single document or individual chapters with navigation links), or Palm Markup Language (PML) to produce eReader books which can be read on a variety of handheld platforms, is now available.

Version 3.4 is a minor update which corrects problems when building the program on 64-bit platforms. The result of various STL string methods were stored into unsigned int variables, which resulted in errors when a string::npos value was not recognised because that 32-bit value was stored into a 64-bit unsigned int. I changed all of the relevant declarations to std::size_t, which adapts automatically to the width of values returned by STL string methods.

ETSET is a C++/STL program written using the Literate Programming methodology in the CWEB System; the source code and complete documentation (both user-level and internal) may be read online (PDF file).

Posted at 23:22 Permalink