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Monday, September 29, 2008

Lignières: Désalpe 2008 Photos Posted

Last Saturday was the Désalpe de Lignières, with the customary magnificent weather (wishing works). Fourmilog was there, as usual, to cover the parade. Last year I led with the cows, so this time, let's go with the goats.


Click on the image above for the complete photo gallery.

This year's chronicle includes embedded audio clips of musical and joyfully noisy participants in the parade. These were recorded with an M-Audio MicroTrack II digital recorder. Photographs were taken with a Nikon D300 camera with the 18–200 mm VR zoom lens which performed so well in the more demanding environment at the North Pole.

Update: I have added three videos from the Désalpe taken by Marcel Fleury. No, you're not dreaming—embedded Flash videos at Fourmilab! What's next: the Dow closing under 10,000? (2008-10-06 21:05 UTC)

Posted at 23:09 Permalink