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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Eight-legged karma: twenty years on

It was twenty years ago today,
that I blew off speaking in L.A.
Then I learned what I would have to pay,
and afterward I've said no way!
This critter, along with a dishwasher, a not insubstantial volume of arterial blood, Kleenex, Scotch Magic Tape, and a field surgery kit all played a part in this March 22nd, 1988 episode of Animal Magnetism.

Click the picture for details.

I may not be particularly talented at foreseeing the future (I'm more of a retro kind of guy), but I try to not make the same blunder more than once. Indeed, except for one incident which perhaps may be excused for having happened on Friday the thirteenth, I have never since missed a scheduled speaking engagement. I feel that old eight-eyes is watching me.

Posted at 14:23 Permalink