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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Animal Magnetism: Not a Snake

notasnake.jpg This is not a snake. I know—“If it looks like a snake, and it slithers like a snake…”, but when's the last a time a snake blinked its eyes at you?

Details of my May 2007 encounter with this confusing creature have just been posted on the new “Not a Snake” page of the Animal Magnetism section of the site.

Sherisson.jpg Update: On Moon Day (July 20th) 2007, thunderheads towered so high above the Jura mountains that in mid-afternoon it was as dark as dusk. So dark, in fact, that a usually nocturnal hedgehog emerged from its den and was spotted walking along the side of a road. I've added a picture I took on this occasion to the hedgehog page of Animal Magnetism. (2007-12-31 19:58 UTC)

Posted at 17:57 Permalink