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Friday, November 23, 2007

Lee Felsenstein and Lena Diethelm Visit Fourmilab


Lee Felsenstein and Lena Diethelm, co-founders of The Fonly Institute, visited Fourmilab the 21–23 November 2007 and survived a Thanksgiving Fourmifeast including SubMarie's Blue Cheese Dressing, spiced cranberries, and Fourmilab's signature Caribbean jerk turkey.

Lee was the legendary master of ceremonies (the guy with the stick) at the Homebrew Computer Club, co-creator of the Community Memory Project, designer of the Processor Technology Sol-20: the first “all-in-one” personal computer with integrated video, and the Osborne 1, the first successful portable computer. Lee has been a leader and innovator in effectively deploying information and communication technologies in the developing world, getting advanced technology into the hands of individuals in a form they can not only use but build upon, motivating and inspiring the next generation to become the inventors who will construct the world for their children and grandchildren, and promoting technologies which preserve liberty and promote community.

Lena has run her own financial management and consulting company, The Numbershuffler, since 1986, and before that was Controller of an investment company and a trade union activist. She was an early member of the WELL, one of the first online communities, and hosts two conferences there.

They're pointing out the “Fourmilab welcome mat” on the door to the attached quarter megawatt substation that motivates electrons to flow through the Fourmilab server farm which brings these scribblings to you.

Posted at 20:48 Permalink