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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Autodesk: Incorporated twenty-five years ago today

As with so many things involving the State of California, the date on which Autodesk, Inc. was originally incorporated in 1982 is somewhat ambiguous. The articles of incorporation were filed on April 9th, 1982, and the certificate of incorporation, including “The Great Seal” (ork, ork) of the State of California dates from that day. But the actual transaction in which the founders purchased their shares, paying in the meagre sum which constituted Autodesk's Day Zero treasury balance, was April 26th, 1982. I have always dated the foundation of the company from the latter date, because, notwithstanding my being the president of the company at the time, I don't recall even being aware of the event on the 9th. The closing of the stock purchase on the 26th was, however, a momentous event, with issuance of stock certificates to all founders, which I accompanied with this note.

Here are the original incorporation documents from a quarter century ago: pages 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Posted at 00:27 Permalink