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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lignières and the Alps Posted

For about ten years, I've wanted to make a panoramic photograph of Fourmilab's home village of Lignières on one of those exceptional days when you can see all the way across the Swiss plateau to the Alps, and the Alps are not shrouded in clouds, then annotate the image to identify the principal mountain peaks visible on the horizon. The afternoon of February 16th, 2007 wasn't a perfect day for such a photo, but it's the best I recall in a long time, and on this occasion I had all of the photo gear and software tools readily at hand to shoot a set of overlapping images and assemble them into a seamless panorama. Lignières and the Alps presents the resulting 24 megapixel panorama, which can be viewed with and without legends, and as a one-third scale reduction which doesn't take so long to download. The process used to produce the panorama is described in detail, complete with links to the free software tools used to assemble and process it for those interesting in experimenting with digitally assembled panoramas of their own.

Posted at 20:19 Permalink