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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Solar System Live Updated

I have just put a new version of Solar System Live into production. This release includes all of the Unix process fork optimisation and security improvements earlier implemented in Earth and Moon Viewer, and upgrades the documentation to use Unicode text elements for opening and closing quotes, dashes, and minus signs. All of the HTML documents remain XHTML 1.0 (Transitional) compliant.

As with the update to Earth and Moon Viewer, and the upcoming update to Your Sky, this release should be 100% compatible with existing URLs which reference the Web resource; if you find one that's broken, please whack me upside the head with the Feedback button. I'll be keeping an eye on the Apache error log for the next few days to look for gross pratfalls, but if you spot more subtle goofs I'd very much appreciate your pointing them out. Thanks in advance.

Posted at 00:23 Permalink