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Friday, May 12, 2006

Les Quatre Saisons: QuickTime and iPod Editions Now Available

Les Quatre Saisons, the one year time-lapse movie recently released in Windows Media (.avi) format, is now also available in Apple QuickTime encoding, both full resolution and scaled down for the iPod video gizmo; the latter edition, with images resampled to 320×220 pixels, is only a 6.6 Mb download, and can be used to preview the film before undertaking the 35 Mb download of the full edition. Although scaled and encoded as a .m4v file for the iPod, it will play just fine on any regular QuickTime-compatible player, including MPlayer on Linux.

After exhausting just about every alternative I could think of (some of which seem to work just fine for other folks), I gave in and bought the USD30 Apple QuickTime 7 Pro upgrade for WIndows XP (which is simply a registration key you enter in the free QuickTime player to unlock the “Pro” features) and created the QuickTime editions from the original PNG frames and wav soundtrack, using the default H.264 video and AAC 128 Kb audio CODECs.

Posted at 15:12 Permalink