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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fourmilog Upgrades to Movable Type 3.2

Fourmilog has upgraded its content management system to Movable Type 3.2. Most of the changes in this release don't affect a simple statically-generated Web log such as this one, but it's a good idea to keep current so as to minimise the breadth of the abyss one must vault when an update comes along which compels one to upgrade.

Movable Type 3.2 is a major update from earlier 3.1 releases. The default character set encoding for generated pages is now UTF-8, which means that if any of your existing templates embed ISO-8859-1 characters (for example, "«" and "»" for previous and next links--recognising that this is a barbarism), you'll need to change them to the equivalent XHTML entities: « and ».

I've modified all the templates accordingly and (gulp) rebuilt the entire site from the content database. Everything looks OK to me, but if you spot something aberrant, please let me know with the feedback button, for which thanks in advance.

Posted at 00:33 Permalink