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Thursday, March 3, 2005

Fourmilab Server: One Year of Uptime

Today, the Sun Enterprise 3500 server which hosted the Fourmilab Sun Enterprise E3500 Server www.fourmilab.ch site from December 1998 until the cut-over to the Dell/Linux server farm on 2005-02-21 reached the milestone of more than one year of uptime since its last reboot:
# uptime
  1:17am  up 366 day(s),  4:55,
  2 users,
  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01
The current load average is low, of course, because Web traffic is now being directed to the new-fangled server farm, but this venerable old-fangled server soldiers on, soon to be re-purposed as an on-line archive of the Web site. In its year of uptime, the server handled more than 200 million hits to the Fourmilab Web site, not counting intercepting and discarding up to 400,000 hits a day from the intense distributed denial of service attack mounted against Fourmilab from late January through late March of 2004.

Quibble if you like about the the cost and performance of these Sun SPARC/Solaris servers--they take a licking and keep on ticking. Congratulations, old friend, on six years of faithful service at Fourmilab and a year's uninterrupted operation despite all the attacks from the Internet slum.

Long may you run.

Posted at 01:20 Permalink