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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Ship It: Lignières History Book Published
To my mind there are few phrases as satisfying as, when at the conclusion of a protracted, difficult, and exasperating development project the moment comes when you utter the magic words “ship it” and then step back to to await the reaction of the customers. After four years of organising a foundation, fundraising, identifying source documents, recruiting more than thirty authors, photographing everything from a forged Papal Bull (“Papal bulls**t?”) dating from A.D. 1179 to the site where a German bomber crashed in 1940 after violating Swiss airspace and being shot down by a Swiss Army Messerschmitt 109, today the first history published since 1801 of Lignières, Fourmilab's home village, shipped to those who pre-ordered it. Lignières, un village aux confins de trois Etats (ISBN 2-88256-166-X) grew, as many software development projects do, from a modest 160-odd pages to a total of 220, with 168 illustrations, 74 in colour. A DVD Video/ROM hybrid disc is attached to the back cover: if placed in a DVD Video player, a variety of films, both historical and produced expressly for this publication (including my own Les Quatre Saisons) can be viewed. If the disc is loaded in a computer DVD-ROM drive, a large collection of original source documents for the book can be consulted: this is a history book which lets you “look under the hood” and examine the sources, many from obscure archives, which the historians used in writing the book.Posted at December 14, 2006 23:11