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Friday, April 1, 2005
Only in Switzerland

Today's headline in the Neuchâtel paper,
L'Express (the oldest continually-published French language daily in the world) was that the Swiss Post Office posted a record profit of 837 million Swiss Francs (approximately € 539 million or USD 695 million).
Amazingly, this is not a
poisson d'avril (April/All Fool's Day) joke--it's for real. This comes as no surprise to those who use our admirably efficient and profitable Post Office--I recently mailed a letter to the U.S. and received a reply. Sending the letter cost me CHF 1.80 (USD 1.50), while the reply bore a U.S. postage stamp of USD 0.80 (CHF 0.96).
Posted at April 1, 2005 22:48