- Kroese, Robert.
Messiah (Mammon vol. 2).
Grand Rapids MI: St. Culain Press, 2022.
After the asteroid diversion and capture scheme chronicled
in volume 1 of the Mammon trilogy,
Titan (October 2021), seen as
the last chance to rescue the U.S. and world economy from
decades of profligate spending, borrowing, money printing, and
looting of productive enterprise by a venal and corrupt
political class, aborted due to industrial espionage and
sabotage, an already dire economic situation implodes into
exponentially accelerating inflation, across the board
economic collapse, widespread shortages, breakdown of civil
order, and cracks beginning to appear in political
structures, with some U.S. states enforcing border controls
and moving toward “soft secession”.
Billionaire Davis Christopher, who further increased his fortune
by betting against the initial attempt to capture Mammon, has
set up shop at the former
OTRAG launch site
in the Libyan desert, distant from the intrigue and kleptocratic
schemes of the illegitimate Washington regime. In a chaotic and
multipolar world, actors at all levels and around the globe vie for
what they can get: the U.S. Treasury, now out to plunder cryptocurrency
as its next source of funds; the Los Angeles Police Department,
establishing itself as a regional rogue state; the Chinese Communist
Party, which turns its envious eyes toward the wealth created by
offshore paradise Utanau; the emerging Islamic State in Egypt and the
Maghreb, consolidating its power after the collapse of regimes in North
Africa, and providing some stability in the face of doomsday Salafist
cult Al-Qiyamah, which sees the return of Mammon bringing Allah's
well-deserved judgement on the world.
With these and many other threads running in parallel and
interacting with one another in complicated and non-obvious ways, the
story, told mostly through the eyes of characters we met in the
first volume, and now confronted with a global collapse in progress,
is gripping and illustrates the theme that runs though much of the
author's work: that, when faced with existential global threats, the
greatest challenges humanity must confront are often those
created by the mischief of other humans, not exogenous peril.
So it is here, with the asteroid inexorably approaching the Earth
for its second pass, probability of impact jumping all around
the scale as observations and calculations are refined, and multiple
actors seeking their own desired outcomes from the event and to thwart
the ambitions of rivals.
This is a masterful continuation of the story that began in the first
volume, reaching a climax which is not a cliffhanger, but will leave
you eagerly anticipating the conclusion in volume 3, Nemesis, scheduled for publication on July 28,
The Kindle edition of this book, like volume 1, is free for Kindle
Unlimited subscribers.