- Minc, Alain. Épîtres à nos nouveaux
maîtres. Paris: Grasset, 2002. ISBN 2-246-61981-5.

- Williams, Andrew. The Battle of the Atlantic. New
York: Basic Books, 2003. ISBN 0-465-09153-9.

- Fussell, Paul. BAD. New York: Summit Books,
1991. ISBN 0-671-67652-0.

- Feynman, Richard P. Feynman Lectures on
Computation. Edited by Anthony J.G. Hey and Robin
W. Allen. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN 0-201-48991-0.
- This book is derived from Feynman's
lectures on the physics of computation in the
mid 1980s at CalTech. A companion volume, Feynman and Computation (see
September 2002), contains updated versions of
presentations by guest lecturers in this course.

- Weschler, Lawrence. Mr. Wilson's Cabinet
of Wonder. New York: Pantheon Books,
1995. ISBN 0-679-76489-5.
- The Museum of Jurassic Technology
has a Web site now!

- Smith, Edward E. Skylark DuQuesne.
New York: Pyramid Books, 1965.
ISBN 0-515-03050-3.
- This book is out of print; use the link above to locate
used copies. Paperbacks are readily available in readable condition
at modest cost. The ISBN given here is for a hardback dumped on
the market at a comparable price by a library with no appreciation
of the classics of science fiction. Unless you have the luck I did
in finding such a copy, you're probably better off looking for a

- Ray, Erik T. and Jason McIntosh. Perl and XML. Sebastopol, CA:
O'Reilly, 2002. ISBN 0-596-00205-X.

- Buckley, William F. Getting It Right. Washington:
Regnery Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0-89526-138-3.

- Manly, Peter L. Unusual Telescopes. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1991. ISBN 0-521-48393-X.

- Lindenberg, Daniel. Le rappel à l'ordre. Paris:
Seuil, 2002. ISBN 2-02-055816-5.

- Fussell, Paul. Uniforms. New York: Houghton
Mifflin, 2002. ISBN 0-618-06746-9.