Books by Zubrin, Robert
- Zubrin, Robert.
The Case for Space.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2019.
ISBN 978-1-63388-534-9.
Fifty years ago, with the successful landing of Apollo 11 on
the Moon, it appeared that the road to the expansion of human
activity from its cradle on Earth into the immensely larger
arena of the solar system was open. The infrastructure built
for Project Apollo, including that in the original 1963
plan for the Merritt Island area could support Saturn V
launches every two weeks. Equipped with nuclear-powered upper
stages (under active development by
Project NERVA, and
accommodated in plans for a Nuclear Assembly Building near
the Vehicle Assembly Building), the launchers and support
facilities were more than adequate to support construction of
a large space station in Earth orbit, a permanently-occupied
base on the Moon, exploration of near-Earth asteroids, and
manned landings on Mars in the 1980s.
But this was not to be. Those envisioning this optimistic future
fundamentally misunderstood the motivation for Project Apollo. It
was not about, and never was about, opening the space frontier.
Instead, it was a battle for prestige in the Cold War and, once
won (indeed, well before the Moon landing), the budget necessary to
support such an extravagant program (which threw away skyscraper-sized
rockets with every launch), began to evaporate. NASA was ready to
do the Buck Rogers stuff, but Washington wasn't about to come up
with the bucks to pay for it. In 1965 and 1966, the
NASA budget
peaked at over 4% of all federal government spending. By
calendar year 1969, when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, it had
already fallen to 2.31% of the federal budget, and with
relatively small year to year variations, has settled at around
one half of one percent of the federal budget in recent years.
Apart from a small band of space enthusiasts, there is no public
clamour for increasing NASA's budget (which is consistently
over-estimated by the public as a much larger fraction of
federal spending than it actually receives), and there is no
prospect for a political consensus emerging to fund an increase.
Further, there is no evidence that dramatically increasing NASA's
budget would actually accomplish anything toward the goal of
expanding the human presence in space. While NASA has accomplished
great things in its robotic exploration of the solar system and
building space-based astronomical observatories, its human
space flight operations have been sclerotic, risk-averse, loath
to embrace new technologies, and seemingly more oriented toward
spending vast sums of money in the districts and states of powerful
representatives and senators than actually flying missions.
Fortunately, NASA is no longer the only game in town (if it can
even be considered to still be in the human spaceflight game,
having been unable to launch its own astronauts into space
without buying seats from Russia since the retirement of the
Space Shuttle in 2011). In 2009, the
headed by Norman Augustine recommended cancellation of
Program, which aimed at a crewed Moon landing in 2020, because
they estimated that the heavy-lift booster it envisioned (although
based largely on decades-old Space Shuttle technology) would take
twelve years and US$36 billion to develop under
NASA's business-as-usual policies; Constellation was cancelled in
2010 (although its heavy-lift booster, renamed. de-scoped, re-scoped,
schedule-slipped, and cost-overrun, stumbles along, zombie-like,
in the guise of the
Launch System [SLS] which has, to date, consumed around US$14 billion
in development costs without producing a single flight-ready
rocket, and will probably cost between one and two billion
dollars for each flight, every year or two—this farce
will probably continue as long as Richard Shelby, the Alabama
Senator who seems to believe NASA stands for “North
Alabama Spending Agency”, remains in the World's
Greatest Deliberative Body).
In February 2018, SpaceX launched its
Falcon Heavy
booster, which has a payload capacity to low Earth orbit
comparable to the initial version of the SLS, and was
developed with private funds in half the time at one thirtieth
the cost (so far) of NASA's Big Rocket to Nowhere. Further,
unlike the SLS, which on each flight will consign Space Shuttle
Main Engines and Solid Rocket Boosters (which were designed to
be reusable and re-flown many times on the Space Shuttle) to
a watery grave in the Atlantic, three of the four components of
the Falcon Heavy (excluding only its upper stage, with a single
engine) are reusable and can be re-flown as many as ten times.
Falcon Heavy customers will pay around US$90 million for
a launch on the reusable version of the rocket, less than a tenth
of what NASA estimates for an SLS flight, even after writing off
its enormous development costs.
On the heels of SpaceX, Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin is developing
New Glenn
orbital launcher, which will have comparable payload capacity and
a fully reusable first stage. With competition on the horizon,
SpaceX is developing the
Super Heavy/Starship
completely-reusable launcher with a payload of around 150 tonnes to
low Earth orbit: more than any past or present rocket. A
fully-reusable launcher with this capacity would also be capable
of delivering cargo or passengers between any two points on
Earth in less than an hour at a price to passengers no more than
a first class ticket on a present-day subsonic airliner. The
emergence of such a market could increase the demand for rocket
flights from its current hundred or so per year to hundreds or
thousands a day, like airline operations, with
consequent price reductions due to economies of scale and moving
all components of the transportation system down the technological
learning curve.
Competition-driven decreases in launch cost, compounded by
partially- or fully-reusable launchers, is already dramatically
decreasing the cost of getting to space.
A common metric of launch cost is the price to
launch one kilogram into low Earth orbit. This remained
stubbornly close to US$10,000/kg from the 1960s until the entry
of SpaceX's Falcon 9 into the market in 2010. Purely by the
more efficient design and operations of a profit-driven private
firm as opposed to a cost-plus government contractor, the first
version of the Falcon 9 cut launch costs to around US$6,000/kg.
By reusing the first stage of the Falcon 9 (which costs around
three times as much as the expendable second stage), this
was cut by another factor of two, to US$3,000/kg. The much larger
fully reusable Super Heavy/Starship is projected to reduce launch cost (if its
entire payload capacity can be used on every flight, which
probably isn't the way to bet) to the vicinity of US$250/kg,
and if the craft can be flown frequently, say
a day, as somebody or other envisioned more than a
quarter century ago, amortising fixed costs over a much larger
number of launches could reduce cost per kilogram by another
factor of ten, to something like US$25/kg.
Such cost reductions are an epochal change in the space
business. Ever since the first Earth satellites, launch costs
have dominated the industry and driven all other aspects of
spacecraft design. If you're paying US$10,000 per kilogram to
put your satellite in orbit, it makes sense to spend large sums
of money not only on reducing its mass, but also making it
extremely reliable, since launching a replacement would be so
hideously expensive (and with flight rates so low, could result
in a delay of a year or more before a launch opportunity became
available). But with a hundred-fold or more reduction in launch
cost and flights to orbit operating weekly or daily, satellites
need no longer be built like precision watches, but rather
industrial gear like that installed in telecom facilities on the
ground. The entire cost structure is slashed across the board,
and space becomes an arena accessible for a wide variety of
commercial and industrial activities where its unique
characteristics, such as access to free, uninterrupted solar
power, high vacuum, and weightlessness are an advantage.
But if humanity is truly to expand beyond the Earth, launching
satellites that go around and around the Earth providing
services to those on its surface is just the start. People must
begin to homestead in space: first hundreds, then thousands, and
eventually millions and more living, working, building, raising
families, with no more connection to the Earth than immigrants
to the New World in the 1800s had to the old country in Europe
or Asia. Where will they be living, and what will they be
In order to think about the human future in the solar system,
the first thing you need to do is recalibrate how you think
about the Earth and its neighbours orbiting the Sun. Many
people think of space as something like Antarctica: barren,
difficult and expensive to reach, unforgiving, and while
useful for some forms of scientific research, no place you'd
want to set up industry or build communities where humans would
spend their entire lives. But space is nothing like that.
Ninety-nine percent or more of the matter and energy
resources of the solar system—the raw material for human
prosperity—are found not on the Earth, but rather
elsewhere in the solar system, and they are free for the taking
by whoever gets there first and figures out how to exploit them.
Energy costs are a major input to most economic activity on the
Earth, and wars are regularly fought over access to scarce
energy resources on the home planet. But in space, at the
distance Earth orbits the Sun, 1.36 kilowatts of free
solar power are available for every square metre of collector
you set up. And, unlike on the Earth's surface, that power
is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and will
continue to flow for billions of years into the future.
Settling space will require using the resources available in
space, not just energy but material. Trying to make a space-based
economy work by launching everything from Earth is
futile and foredoomed. Regardless of how much you reduce
launch costs (even with exotic technologies which may not even be
possible given the properties of materials, such as space
elevators or launch loops), the vast majority of the mass
needed by a space-based civilisation will be dumb bulk materials,
not high-tech products such as microchips. Water; hydrogen
and oxygen for rocket fuel (which are easily made from water
using electricity from solar power); aluminium, titanium, and
steel for structural components; glass and silicon; rocks and
minerals for agriculture and bulk mass for radiation shielding;
these will account for the overwhelming majority of the mass of
any settlement in space, whether in Earth orbit, on the Moon or
Mars, asteroid mining camps, or habitats in orbit around the
Sun. People and low-mass, high-value added material such as
electronics, scientific instruments, and the like will launch
from the Earth, but their destinations will be built in space
from materials found there.
Why? As with most things in space, it comes down to
(pronounced delta-vee), the change in velocity needed to get from
one location to another. This, not distance, determines the
cost of transportation in space. The Earth's mass creates a
deep gravity well which requires around 9.8 km/sec of
delta-v to get from the surface to low Earth orbit.
It is providing this boost which makes launching payloads from
the Earth so expensive. If you want to get to geostationary
Earth orbit, where most communication satellites operate,
you need another 3.8 km/sec, for a total of 13.6 km/sec
launching from the Earth. By comparison, delivering a payload
from the surface of the Moon to geostationary Earth orbit
requires only 4 km/sec, which can be provided by a simple
single-stage rocket. Delivering material from lunar orbit
(placed there, for example, by a solar powered electromagnetic
mass driver
on the lunar surface) to geostationary orbit needs just 2.4
km/sec. Given that just about all of the materials from which
geostationary satellites are built are available on the Moon
(if you exploit free solar power to extract and refine them),
it's clear a mature spacefaring economy will not be launching
them from the Earth, and will create large numbers of jobs on
the Moon, in lunar orbit, and in ferrying cargos among
various destinations in Earth-Moon space.
The author surveys the resources available on the Moon, Mars,
near-Earth and main belt asteroids, and, looking farther
into the future, the outer solar system where, once humans have
mastered controlled nuclear fusion, sufficient
Helium-3 is
available for the taking to power a solar system wide human
civilisation of trillions of people for billions of years and,
eventually, the interstellar ships they will use to expand out
into the galaxy. Detailed plans are presented for near-term
human missions to the Moon and Mars, both achievable within the
decade of the 2020s, which will begin the process of surveying
the resources available there and building the infrastructure
for permanent settlement. These mission plans, unlike those of
NASA, do not rely on paper rockets which have yet to fly,
costly expendable boosters, or detours to “gateways”
and other diversions which seem a prime example of (to
paraphrase the author in chapter 14), “doing things in order
to spend money as opposed to spending money in order to do
This is an optimistic and hopeful view of the future, one in
which the human adventure which began when our ancestors left
Africa to explore and settle the far reaches of their home
planet continues outward into its neighbourhood around the
Sun and eventually to the stars. In contrast to the grim
Malthusian vision of mountebanks selling nostrums like a
“Green New Deal”, which would have humans huddled
on an increasingly crowded planet, shivering in the cold and
dark when the Sun and wind did not cooperate, docile and
bowed to their enlightened betters who instruct them how to
reduce their expectations and hopes for the future again and
again as they wait for the asteroid impact to put an end
to their misery, Zubrin sketches millions of diverse human
(and eventually post-human, evolving in different directions)
societies, exploring and filling niches on a grand scale that dwarfs
that of the Earth, inventing, building, experimenting, stumbling,
and then creating ever greater things just as humans have for
millennia. This is a future not just worth dreaming of, but
working to make a reality. We have the enormous privilege
of living in the time when, with imagination, courage, the
willingness to take risks and to discard the poisonous doctrines
of those who preach “sustainability” but whose
policies always end in resource wars and genocide, we can
actually make it happen and see the first steps taken in our
Here is an
interview with the author
about the topics discussed in the book.
This is a one hour and forty-two minute
(audio only) from “The Space Show” which goes
into the book in detail.
June 2019 
- Zubrin, Robert
Energy Victory.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2007.
ISBN 1-59102-591-5.
This is a tremendous book—jam-packed with nerdy data of every
kind. The author presents a strategy aiming for the total replacement
of petroleum as a liquid fuel and chemical feedstock with an explicit
goal of breaking the back of OPEC and, as he says, rendering the
Middle East's near-monopoly on oil as significant on the world
economic stage as its near-monopoly on camel milk.
The central policy recommendation is a U.S. mandate that all new
vehicles sold in the U.S. be “flex-fuel” capable: able to
run on gasoline, ethanol, or methanol in any mix whatsoever.
This is a proven technology; there are more than 6 million
gasoline/ethanol vehicles on the road at present, more than five times
the number of gasoline/electric hybrids (p. 27), and the added
cost over a gas-only vehicle is negligible. Gasoline/ethanol flex-fuel
vehicles are approaching 100% of all new sales in Brazil
(pp. 165–167), and that without a government mandate.
Present flex vehicles are either gasoline/ethanol or
gasoline/methanol, not tri-fuel, but according to Zubrin that's just a
matter of tweaking the exhaust gas sensor and reprogramming the
electronic fuel injection computer.
Zubrin argues that methanol capability in addition to ethanol is
essential because methanol can be made from coal or natural gas, which
the U.S. has in abundance, and it enables utilisation of natural gas
which is presently flared due to being uneconomical to bring to market
in gaseous form. This means that it isn't necessary to wait for a
biomass ethanol economy to come on line. Besides, even if you do
produce ethanol from, say, maize, you can still convert the cellulose
“waste” into methanol economically. You can also react
methanol into dimethyl ether, an excellent diesel fuel that burns
cleaner than petroleum-based diesel. Coal-based methanol production
produces greenhouse gases, but less than burning the coal to make
electricity, then distributing it and using it in plug-in hybrids,
given the efficiencies along the generation and transmission chain.
With full-flex, the driver becomes a genuine market player: you simply
fill up from whatever pump has the cheapest fuel among those available
wherever you happen to be: the car will run fine on any mix you end up
with in the tank. People in Brazil have been doing this for the
last several years, and have been profiting from their flex-fuel
vehicles now that domestic ethanol is cheaper than gasoline. Brazil,
in fact, reduced its net petroleum imports to zero in 2005 (from 80%
in 1974), and is now a net exporter of energy (p. 168),
rendering the Brazilian economy entirely immune to the direct effects
of OPEC price shocks.
Zubrin also demolishes the argument that ethanol is energy neutral or
a sink: recent research indicates that corn ethanol multiplies the
energy input by a factor between 6 and 20. Did you know that of the
two authors of an oft-cited 2005 “ethanol energy sink”
paper, one (David Pimentel) is a radical Malthusian who wants to
reduce the world population by a factor of three and the other
(Tadeusz Patzek) comes out of the “all bidness”
(pp. 126–135)?
The geopolitical implications of energy dependence and independence
are illustrated with examples from both world wars and the
present era, and a hopeful picture sketched in which the world
transitions from looting developed countries to fill the
coffers of terror masters and kleptocrats to a future where
the funds for the world's liquid fuel energy needs flow instead
to farmers in the developing world who create sustainable,
greenhouse-neutral fuel by their own labour and intellect,
rather than pumping expendable resources from underground.
Here we have an optimistic, pragmatic, and open-ended
view of the human prospect. The post-petroleum era could be
launched on a global scale by a single act of the U.S. Congress
which would cost U.S. taxpayers nothing and have negligible
drag on the domestic or world economy. The technologies
required date mostly from the 19th century and are entirely
mature today, and the global future advocated has already
been prototyped in a large, economically and socially diverse
country, with stunning success. Perhaps people
in the second half of the 21st century will regard present-day
prophets of “peak oil” and
“global warming” as quaint as the
doomsayers who foresaw the end of civilisation when
firewood supplies were exhausted, just years before coal
mines began to fuel the industrial revolution.
December 2007 
- Zubrin, Robert. The Holy Land. Lakewood, CO:
Polaris Books, 2003. ISBN 0-9741443-0-4.
- Did somebody say science fiction doesn't do hard-hitting
social satire any more? Here, Robert Zubrin, best known for his Mars
Direct mission design (see The Case for Mars) turns his
acid pen (caustic keyboard?) toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
with plenty of barbs left over for the absurdities and platitudes
of the War on Terrorism (or whatever). This is a novel which will
have you laughing out loud while thinking beyond the bumper-sticker
slogans mouthed by politicians into the media echo chamber.
February 2004 
- Zubrin, Robert
Merchants of Despair.
New York: Encounter Books, 2012.
ISBN 978-1-59403-476-3.
This is one of the most important paradigm-changing books since
Jonah Goldberg's
Liberal Fascism (January 2008).
Zubrin seeks the common thread which unites radical environmentalism,
eugenics, population control, and opposition to readily available means
of controlling diseases due to hysteria engendered by overwrought
prose in books written by people with no knowledge of the
relevant science.
Zubrin identifies the central thread of all of these malign belief
systems: anti-humanism. In 1974, the Club of Rome, in
Mankind at the Turning Point,
“The world has cancer and the cancer is man.”
A foul synthesis of the ignorant speculations of
and a misinterpretation of the work of
Darwin led
to a pernicious doctrine which asserted that an increasing human
population would deplete a fixed pool of resources, leading to conflict
and selection among a burgeoning population for those most able to
secure the resources they needed to survive.
But human history since the dawn of civilisation belies this. In fact,
per capita income has grown as population has increased,
demonstrating that the static model is bogus. Those who want to constrain
the human potential are motivated by a quest for power, not a desire
to seek the best outcome for the most people. The human condition has
improved over time, and at an accelerating pace since the Industrial
Revolution in the 19th century, because of human action: the
creativity of humans in devising solutions to problems and ways to
meet needs often unperceived before the inventions which soon
became seen as essentials were made. Further, the effects of human
invention in the modern age are cumulative: any at point
in history humans have access to all the discoveries of the past and,
once they build upon them to create a worthwhile innovation, it is
rapidly diffused around the world—in our days at close to the
speed of light. The result of this is that in advanced technological
societies the poor, measured by income compared to the societal mean,
would have been considered wealthy not just by the standards of the
pre-industrial age, but compared to those same societies in the
memory of people now alive. The truly poor in today's world are those
whose societies, for various reasons, are not connected to the engine
of technological progress and the social restructuring it inevitably
And yet the anti-humanists have consistently argued for limiting the
rate of growth of population and in many cases actually reducing
the total population, applying a “precautionary principle”
to investigation of new technologies and their deployment, and
relinquishment of technologies deemed to be “unsustainable”.
In short, what they advocate is reversing the progress since the year
1800 (and in many ways, since the Enlightenment), and returning to an
imagined bucolic existence (except for, one suspects, the masters in
their gated communities, attended to by the serfs as in times of
What Malthus and all of his followers to the present day missed is
that the human population is not at all like the population of
bacteria in a Petri dish or rabbits in the wild. Uniquely, humans
invent things which improve their condition, create new resources
by finding uses for natural materials previously regarded as
“dirt”, and by doing so allow a larger population to
enjoy a standard of living much better than that of previous
generations. Put aside the fanatics who wish to reduce the human
population by 80% or 90% (they exist, they are frighteningly
influential in policy-making circles, and they are called out by
name here). Suppose, for a moment, the author asks, societies in
the 19th century had listened to Malthus and limited the human
population to half of the historical value. Thomas Edison and Louis
Pasteur did work which contributed to the well-being of their
contemporaries around the globe and continue to benefit us today.
In a world with half as many people, perhaps only one would have ever
lived. Which would you choose?
But the influence of the anti-humans did not stop at theory. The book
chronicles the sorry, often deceitful, and tragic consequences when
their policies were put into action by coercive governments. The destruction
wrought by “population control” measures approached, in some
cases, the level of genocide. By 1975, almost one third of Puerto Rican
women of childbearing age had been sterilised by programs funded by
the U.S. federal government, and a similar program on Indian reservations
sterilised one quarter of Native American women of childbearing age,
often without consent. Every purebred woman of the Kaw tribe of
Oklahoma was sterilised in the 1970s: if that isn't genocide, what is?
If you look beneath the hood of radical environmentalism, you'll find
anti-humanism driving much of the agenda. The introduction of
DDT in the 1940s
immediately began to put an end to the age-old scourge of malaria.
Prior to World War II, between one and six million cases of
malaria were reported in the U.S. every year. By 1952, application of
DDT to the interior walls of houses (as well as other uses of the
insecticide) had reduced the total number of confirmed cases of
malaria that year to two. By the early 1960s, use of DDT had
cut malaria rates in Asia and Latin America by 99%. By 1958, Malthusian
Aldous Huxley
decried this, arguing that “Quick death by malaria has been
abolished; but life made miserable by undernourishment and over-crowding
is now the rule, and slow death by outright starvation threatens
ever greater numbers.”
Huxley did not have long to wait to see his desires fulfilled. After
the publication of Rachel Carson's
Silent Spring
in 1962, a masterpiece of pseudoscientific deception and fraud,
politicians around the world moved swiftly to ban DDT. In Sri Lanka,
where malaria cases had been cut from a million or more per year
to 17 in 1963, DDT was banned in 1964, and by 1969 malaria cases had
increased to half a million a year. Today, DDT is banned or effectively
banned in most countries, and the toll of unnecessary death due to
malaria in Africa alone since the DDT ban is estimated as in excess of
100 million. Arguably, Rachel Carson and her followers are the greatest
mass murderers of the 20th century. There is no credible scientific evidence
whatsoever that DDT is harmful to humans and other mammals, birds,
reptiles, or oceanic species. To the anti-humanists, the carnage wrought
by the banning of this substance is a feature, not a bug.
If you thought
Agenda 21 (November 2012)
was over the top, this volume will acquaint you with the real-world
evil wrought by anti-humanists, and their very real agenda to
exterminate a large fraction of the human population and reduce the
rest (except for themselves, of course, they believe) to pre-industrial
serfdom. As the author concludes:
If the idea is accepted that the world's resources are fixed
with only so much to go around, then each new life is unwelcome,
each unregulated act or thought is a menace, every person is
fundamentally the enemy of every other person, and each race or
nation is the enemy of every other race of nation. The ultimate
outcome of such a worldview can only be enforced stagnation,
tyranny, war, and genocide.
This is a book which should have an impact, for the better, as great
as Silent Spring had for the worse. But so deep is the
infiltration of the anti-human ideologues into the cultural
institutions that you'll probably never hear it mentioned except
here and in similar venues which cherish individual liberty and
April 2013