Cellular Automata Laboratory

Cellular Automata Laboratory

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P. Bak, C. Tang, and K. Wiesenfeld, “Self-organized criticality: an explanation of 1/ƒ noise”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 59, No. 4, 1987, pp. 381–384.
Edwin Banks, “Information Processing and Transmission in Cellular Automata”, Tech. Rep. MAC TR-81, MIT Project MAC: Cambridge, 1971.
Berlenkamp, Conway, and Guy, Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays, Academic Press: New York, 1982. ISBN 978-1-56881-130-7.
Arthur Burks, ed., Essays on Cellular Automata, U. of Illinois Press: Urbana, 1970. ISBN 978-0-252-00023-2.
John Byl, “Self-Reproduction in Small Cellular Automata”, Physica D 34, 1989, pp. 295–299.
Andrea Califano, Norman Margolus, and Tommaso Toffoli, CAM-6 User's Guide (Version 2.1), MIT Laboratory for Computer Science: Cambridge, 1987.
A. K. Dewdney, The Armchair Universe, W. H. Freeman: New York, 1988.
A. K. Dewdney, “Computer Recreations: The hodge-podge machine makes waves”, Scientific American, August, 1988, pp. 104–107.
A. K. Dewdney, “Computer Recreations: Staggering drunks”, Scientific American, December 1988.
A. K. Dewdney, “Computer Recreations: Two-dimensional Turing machines and Turmites make tracks on a plane”, Scientific American, September 1989, pp. 180–183.
B. Drossel and F. Schwabl, “Self-organized critical forest-fire model”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 69, No. 11, September 1992, pp. 1629–1632.
Richard P. Feynman, “Simulating Physics with Computers”, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 21, Nos. 6/7, 1982, pp. 467–488.
Martin Gardner, “Mathematical Games: The fantastic combinations of John Conway's new solitaire game ‘life’ ”, Scientific American, October, 1970, pp. 120–123.
Martin Gardner, “Mathematical Games: On cellular automata, self-reproduction, the Garden of Eden, and the game ‘life’ ”, Scientific American, February, 1971, pp. 112–117.
David Griffeath, “Cyclic Random Competition”, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, December, 1988, p. 1474.
Daniel Hillis, The Connection Machine, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1985.
Christopher Langton, “Self-Reproduction in Cellular Automata”, Physica D 10, 1984, pp. 135–144. (N.b. This important volume of the oddly named journal Physica D consists entirely of articles about cellular automata!)
Christopher Langton, “Studying Artificial Life With Cellular Automata”, Physica D 22, 1986, pp. 120–149.
Christopher Langton, ed., Artificial Life, Addison-Wesley: Redwood City CA, 1988. (A collection of papers delivered at the first a-life conference, held in Los Alamos, September, 1987). ISBN 978-0-262-62112-0.
Steven Levy, Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Doubleday: New York, 1984. ISBN 978-1-449-38839-3
Steven Levy, “The Portable Universe”, Whole Earth Review, Winter 1985, pp. 42–48.
Benoit Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, W. H. Freeman: San Francisco, 1982. ISBN 978-0-7167-1186-5.
Norman Margolus and Tommaso Toffoli, Cellular Automata Machines, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1987. ISBN 978-0-262-52631-9.
Nicholas Oros and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, “Sexyloop: Self-Reproduction, Evolution and Sex in Cellular Automata”, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, 2007, pp. 130–138.
Nicholas Oros and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, “Dude, where is my Sex Gene? — Persistence of Sex over Evolutionary Time in Cellular Automata”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, 2009.
Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Dietmar Saupe, eds., The Science of Fractal Images, Springer-Verlag: New York, 1988. ISBN 978-1-4612-8349-2.
William Poundstone, The Recursive Universe, William Morrow: New York, 1985. ISBN 978-0-486-49098-4.
Kendall Preston and Michael Duff, Modern Cellular Automata, Plenum: New York, 1984. (Describes applications to biomedical image processing.) ISBN 978-0-306-41737-5.
[Reggia et al.93]
J. A. Reggia; S. L. Armentrout; H.-H. Chou; and Y. Peng, “ "Simple systems that exhibit self-directed replication”, Science 259 (5099), 1993, pp. 1282–1287.
Rudy Rucker, Software, Ace Books: New York, 1982. ISBN .978-1-60701-211-5.
Rudy Rucker, Infinity and the Mind, Bantam Books: New York, 1983. ISBN 978-0-691-12127-7.
Rudy Rucker, The Fourth Dimension, Houghton Mifflin: Boston, 1984. ISBN 978-0-486-77978-2.
Rudy Rucker, Mind Tools, Houghton Mifflin: Boston, 1987. ISBN .978-0-486-49228-5
Rudy Rucker, “Cellular Automata”, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April, 1987, pp. 23–34.
Rudy Rucker, Wetware, Avon Books: New York, 1988. ISBN .978-1-60701-211-5.
Rudy Rucker, “Report From Silicon Valley”, Science Fiction Eye, August, 1988, pp. 23–25.
Rudy Rucker, “Symbiotic Programming: Cross-Breeding Cellular Automaton Rules on the CAM-6”, Journal of Complex Systems, In press: Spring 1989.
Hiroki Sayama, “Constructing Evolutionary Systems on a Simple Deterministic Cellular Automata Space”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Information Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, December 1998.
Brian Silverman, The Phantom Fishtank, Logo Computer Systems: Montreal, 1987.
“The Game of Life”, Time, January 21, 1974.
Stanislaw Ulam, “Random Processes and Transformations”, in: S. Ulam, Sets, Numbers and Universes, MIT Press: Cambridge, 1974, pp. 326–337.
John von Neumann, “The General and Logical Theory of Automata”, in: Collected Works, Vol. 5, Macmillan: New York, 1963, pp. 288–328.
John von Neumann, Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata, University of Illinois Press: Urbana, 1966.
Arthur Winfree, “Rotating Chemical Reactions”, Scientific American, June, 1974, pp. 82–95.
Stephen Wolfram, “Computer Software in Science and Mathematics”, Scientific American, September, 1984, pp. 188–203.
Stephen Wolfram, ed., Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata, World Scientific: Singapore, 1986.

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