Since every other name for which there was a general consensus of acceptability was unacceptable to California as a corporation name (due to being too close to somebody else's), the company ended up being called ``Autodesk, Inc.'' (AI). If we think of the perfect name, we can always change it. In the meanwhile, I'll use ``AI'' when referring to the company and ``Autodesk'' when referring to the product with the same name.
The corporation was created by filing the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State on April 9, 1982. The officers and board of directors were elected on April 16, 1982. The first phase of organisation of the company was completed on April 26, 1982, when the stock was sold to the founders (all California residents, as described in ``Information Letter #4''), and the notes for stock purchased by loan were signed. The money from the stock sale was then deposited in a new account for AI opened at First Interstate Bank. Thus, the company is now officially formed and operating. Officers of the company were chosen as follows:
President: John Walker
Vice President and Secretary: Dan Drake
Treasurer (CFO) and Assistant Secretary: Keith Marcelius
Assistant Secretary: Bob Tufts
The doubling up of offices permits critical documents which require signature by ``(President or Vice President) and (Secretary or Assistant Secretary)'' to be filed when one of the officers is unavailable. Designating our attorney, Bob Tufts, as Assistant Secretary allows routine matters which require signature by a Secretary to be handled without getting all the officers together. This form of organisation is typical of companies of our type.
The Board of Directors is as follows:
Dan Drake
Keith Marcelius
Jack Stuppin
John Walker
As mentioned in Information Letter #4, the board consists of those who are willing to get together and deal with the matters the board is required to deal with. There were no other volunteers, so the board is as suggested in that letter.
Neither the slate of officers nor the board membership is cast in concrete, of course.
Editor: John Walker