The following text scrolls by, accompanied on the sound track by Monty Python's ``All Things Dull and Ugly.''G. Pascal Zachary
On January 30, 1992, at a special shareholders' meeting in New York,
Autodesk announced its sales and earnings for the final quarter of the
fiscal year.
Sales for the quarter were $66.5 million, earnings $11.9 million.
Full-year sales were $274 million with earnings of $58 million.
These results were deemed ``disappointing.''
Autodesk stock, which traded above $60 in June of 1991, closed at 28 1/4 the next day.
After ten years of success, Autodesk was newsworthy.
On May 28, 1992, Autodesk was called ``A Strangely Run Firm'' based on ``A Most Unusual Interview.''
This is that interview.