We hope to release the MS-DOS Victor with the HP driver on the 18th.
The configurator release is set for July 29. We have a feature freeze
in effect that roughly agrees with the current state of Duff's generic
manual. We discussed manuals some here. Roxie is going to try to get
the next one so it will lay a bit flatter. After some discussion on
various bindings and size, everyone agreed to keep the same manual
size and binding. We would like to schedule major feature releases
every 60 days. The manual price is now $35.00 because
SunFlex insists on a discount and we won't lower their price below the
current $25.00. We agreed to continue to sell manuals at $25.00 if
customers ask at that price since we have advertised it so much and
don't have price change disclaimers on our literature. The
single-screen IBM is working and almost ready for release (1