There was a feeling that as we became a public company and sought to expand the general awareness of our company and its products, we should retain a professional public relations firm. We hired ``Primetime Publicity and Media Consulting Corporation'', whose president, Reed Trencher, arranged for a writer to meet with numerous people in the company to produce a company profile.This is what we got instead. Monuments stand alone. No commentary is necessary other than to explain the typography. Comments I wrote on the original document are in type [like this]. Underlining and boxes around particularly trite and silly things were also my contemporaneous annotations. Footnotes were added at this writing. All of the misspellings were present in the original. Yes, they really did misspell the company name at every occurrence. Following this document is a memo I wrote expressing my reactions to this presentation of our company.
May 8, 1985
``We have large ears turned
to what customers and dealers need,'' says John Walker, President and
Co-Founder of AutoDesk, Inc. ``We make things people want''. It is
this philosophy--functionally unique among software companies--that
has propelled AutoDesk to become one of THE success stories of the
computer age.
An overstatement? Consider that AutoDesk revenues went from $14,500 in an abbreviated 1982 year to $10,000,000 last year. They have already cornered the personal computer market with AutoCAD, their brilliant Computer-Assisted Design program. Chosen by an international panel of computer journalists as the ``Technical/Scientific Software of the Year'' in 1984, AutoCAD provides a virtually-limitless palate [Palette. Palate is part of your mouth.] of drafting and graphic design tools for ``anyone who draws''. For the draftsperson, AutoCAD provides the freedom, scope, and power much like the way a word processor supports a pencil-pushing scribe.
Another AutoDesk breakthrough is price. The first hand-held
calculator came out in 1961 at a cost of $29,000, while today more
capabilities are available in a unit costing less than $20.
[What does this have to do with anything? Second, I'm not aware
of any handheld calculator on the market in 1961 at any price.] For
under $10,000,you can buy AutoCad plus a state of the art IBM PC and
equally powerful plotter, and you'll be getting a graphics design
system that does 90% of what can be done on a main fram system costing $500,000. But these are
only statistics:
AutoDesk Incorporated
are a group of people who have defied the ``experts'' and are now
sitting on the crest of a wave that is sweeping in a new definition of
business in America.
Their story is real, exciting, and challenging, like their roots: they are the Sixties Generation. After a decade of post-Vietnam invisibility, the new exemplars of the great entrepreneurial spirit are leading a shift in the way business will be done in the Nineties. That spirit is one of the most important reasons for the success of AutoDesk. No one says ``We don't do things that way here''. One difference is that competition within AutoDesk is constructive instead of destructive. ``There is one ego in the company,'' said Director of Marketing Maryanne Zadfar, ``the company itself. All of us are commited to each other and the company.''
Communications Manager Sandra Boulton likens their operating style to Japanese management techniques, in which everyone's ideas are considered. This enfranchisement of the individual is the heart of AutoDesk; it is the way their products are designed. This assures that the programmers have the freedom to produce in their areas of highest expertise. And in their own individual style. [This is a sentence?] Many [Come on] of the employees work at home, communicating by modem and telephone, coming in for weekly conferences. Each person works on a particular part of the program, and then only at the end are all the parts be pulled together.
For those AutoDesk employees who work at the office, headquarters is a new, light, airy, office building in Sausalito, minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge, yards from San Francisco Bay, nurtured under the spiritual aegis of Mount Tamalpais [Oh come on!]. Those who do work at the office maintain their identities as personally as the established business community doesn't. [What the Hell does this mean?] Suits, regualtions, and titular respect have very little significance in the AutoDesk environment. It was this sort of unorthodoxy of style that stopped the venture capitalists from investing at the start-up. These ``experts'' asked about peoples' shoes, and questioned the length of their hair. They couldn't see that unorthodoxy--especially the people-consciousness--is the key to AutoDesk's flexibility. They could not understand that more important than structural formality was the enlistment of people who believe in themselves. [Utter bullshit. VC's don't care about this, they had wrong ideas about the business!]
The 106 who work at AutoDesk are individuals, [What is the alternative?] people who were likely considered rabble-rousers at least once in their lives. People whose attitudes are reflected in such traditional corporate heresies as ``I don't like it'' or ``This doesn't make sense'' or ``There's a better way''. The policy at AutoDesk is that there are virtually no regulations; the employees are ``part of the rock''. They all can buy stock in the privately-held company, so it's no wonder that ``everyone is 100% behind every product that goes out the door''.
AutoDesk was founded in late 1982 by fifteen engineers who pooled
their own money--all of $59,000--and personal integrity to produce
software that is literally changing the way many industries do
business. Thought computers have
been used in drafting work for a number of years, it was basically
only for those who had access to hundreds of thousands--indeed
millions--of dollars of mainframe computer equipment.
AutoCAD, the program responsible for the AutoDesk meteor, gave
virtually the same tools to the owner of the every day personal
computer for only $1,000. Individuals, small business, divisions of
giant corporations all could make a quantum leap. [This was tired
in 1950!]
In the personal computer industry for which so many had announced a
premature death, AutoDesk has created such revolutionary software that
it is actually forcing change [Oh wow!] in every industry that
involves design, drafting, and drawing. Architects, engineers,
contractors, electricians, mechanics, artists, doctors, soldiers,
sailors, treasure hunters, teachers, firemen, landscapers,
cinematographers, bobsledders, cooks, as well as designers of cars,
stained glass windows, underwear, tennis shoes, sports cars,
wheelchairs, contact lenses, bobsleds and the face of the new Statue of
Liberty [Huh? I wasn't aware it was being redesigned?] have all
used AutoDesk Inc. products. Many firms are being forced to
computerize their operations in order to attract the top design school
students. [I don't think that's how it works, folks.] Other
firms are requiring applicants to have 1-2 years experience with
AutoCAD, [Cite one example.] and the program has been
out less than three years.
It's because the AutoCAD system is synonomous with productivity [Bullshit]. What used to take days can be done in hours. AutoCAD frees the designer from the drudgery of repetitive, mechanical chores. In laymen's terms, AutoCad draws, and edits drawings, on a computer screen. These drawings can be manipulated in all sorts of clever and designer-practical ways. Not only does AutoCAD save countless hours of the most boring aspects of design work, it increases the accuracy of the calculations and provides a range of user-customized options previously unavailable on a personal computer.
As powerful as the system is, AutoCAD is simple to learn; a drafter
with no computer experience can be proficient with AutoCAD in two
weeks. And because AutoCAD is compatible with the major management
systems like Lotus, Symphony, and Framework, accurate
and detailed design renderings can be integrated to support complex
reports. AutoDesk also offers a variety of useful options to meet the
particular needs of clients in their specific tasks and in the
interface of their work with larger computer systems.
In addition to the extras offered by AutoDesk, the AutoCAD design system has already attracted more than 100 third-party software from outside sources to expand and customize the program for professions as diverse as theatrical lighting [wrong], land surveying, and hydraulic network analysis. So AutoDesk customers are not only pleased, they are enthusiastic. And with good reason: AutoDesk implements user suggestions in redesigning their programs. When AutoCAD was upgraded from version 1.4 to 2.0, the number of callers with questions dropped 95%. [Prove it.] Former AutoCAD user [Sounds like he abandoned it.] and now AutoDesk engineer Lance Kemp restates the company's theme: ``we give what our end users want.''
AutoDesk is not a one product company. Originally, AutoDesk was the name of a program for a desk organizer written in 1982 along with a number of other software products. They [Who.] decided to put their resources behind AutoCAD. Will they try to resurrect the AutoDesk program? ``We never look backwards.'' says Marketing Director Zadfar. Indeed, AutoDesk has two major releases in the Summer of '85: 3D Level 1 and CAD/Camera. The 3 D is actually 2 1/2 D, a program for providing three dimensional visualization of a design using either hidden lines on a ``wire frame'' schematic.
Cad/camera allows a designer to enter existing diagrams
[drawings] into the computer for editing and enhancement. This
software breakthrough [Bullshit] means that the diagram on a
piece of paper can be electronically translated into information that
the computer can understand. Then with AutoCAD, the designer can
manipulate the original image to whatever specifications
s/he wants, combine it
with other images, and then reproduce with unparalleled accuracy and
detail. Instead of spending twenty-four hours hand-tracing every
element of a schematic drawing, with CAD/camera the job can be done in
two hours.
Integrity, intelligence, dedication--foundations in American history
[Huh?]--are the resources of these people whom [Whom?]
some labelled a bunch of left-over hippies. While they are not
accepted by the establishment whose very structure and purpose they
challenge, it is of little consequence [They sure as Hell better
be before 2 July!
]. AutoDesk has combined the business acumen with social
values, and creating a dynamic deeper than their impressive
statistical bottom line [Huh? What? Is this a parody or what?].
One of their users, a 23-year-old quadriplegic, sent a note of deep
appreciation to AutoDesk, explaining that he had ``signed'' the
purchase agreement as best he could, with an ``X'' drawn with AutoCAD.
[MAUDLIN! Do you have release & rights to this story?]
But as successful as AutoDesk has been with their graphics-design
systems, they make it clear they are not a CAD
company. Not shackled with hardware nor
saddled with inventory, the people at AutoDesk have the ability to
recognize a need, define the problem and create the solution. What
comes next is being developed in the minds of bright and responsible
individuals whose mutual badge is that they have accomplished what
they were told couldn't be done. We might expect that what the
Mustang was for Ford, AutoCAD will be for AutoDesk.
AutoDesk has thrown a scare into the design industry. Providing tools which translate into immense savings of time, money, and drudgery, [What will I do with all the drudgery I save?] AutoDesk is forcing drafters--architects, contracters, engineers, artists, and the like--to go electronic or they will be unable to compete.
The integrity of the AutoDesk operation is inherent in every operation: their advertising is completely--and proudly--truthful, and unlike many in the computer industry, AutoDesk reports its sales figures regularly and accurately.
Projected revenues for 1985 are $10,000,000. [Wrong! Furthermore, I don't think we're publishing
any projections!]
AutoDesk has training centers around the country and in Europe. [Hein?] Their attitude is so contrary to the ``sell-'n-see-'ya'' indemic to the computer industry that they offer dealers a free program, simply for learning how to use the software.
Editor: John Walker