To start the program make certain that the file crash.exe is in your current directory and type : crash [ENTER].

The second display page gives a brief description of the experiment. For each run you will see a trace curving around a row of obstacles, reminiscent of a skier slaloming around a row of trees. When the skier hits a tree the run ends and the score gives the number of safely negotiated trees.

From run to run, the task changes, and you are asked to use correspondingly changing mental approaches. In one case the program sets the goal of a high score. Here you try to avoid crashes for as long as possible. You use a positive, optimistic mental approach. Take a moment before the start until you feel relaxed and confident and then press the ENTER key to start the run. In the other case, the program asks you for a low score, trying to hit a tree as soon as possible. In this case, get yourself into a physically and mentally tense state and make a "desperate" attempt to hit a tree as fast as possible. See what happens. With many people this "negative" mental attitude leads to the opposite of the desired outcome: particularly long rather than short runs. Try to approach this in a somewhat detached manner: Simply follow the instructions with regard to the attitudes and see what happens.

In this game "Crash" the scoring is done differently from the other games. Here the score (number of passed trees) is always positive. The average chance value of the scores is 20, but you will see the actual scores fluctuate widely. From the score display table (see above) you can see your average score for the past runs (separate for the high-aim and low-aim cases) and check if it lies above or below 20.

If, after a larger number of completed runs, you want to calculate the "Standard Score" as defined in the README text, you can do it as follows:

Assume that you have completed M runs under a particular condition (high or low aim) with the resulting scores:
Sc(1), Sc(2),...Sc(M). Then (see README file)

Standard Score = [Sc(1)+Sc(2)+...+Sc(M)- 20 x M]/Sqr(16 x M),

where Sqr() means the square root.

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